Tagged: smoking
Linky Friday: Money For Nothing, and Your Clicks For Free
Linky Friday, Ordinary Times’ long-running tradition of bringing you links to stories from around the interwebs to discuss, is back
There’s A Former Smoker In Every Office
“My sixth day without a smoke – never felt better in all my life.”
Tobacco Age Limit Raised Under Smokescreen of $1.4T Spending Bill
The FDA has announced the raised age limit to purchase tobacco products, signed into law by the President along with the latest spending package, is now in effect.
Weekend Plans Post: Just Subversive Enough
This weekend is the birthday of one of the nephews. I have to be a subversive influence… but not *TOO* subversive.
Neither Here Nor There
If you want to smoke at home, be rich enough to own your own home. Well, until we ban it there, too, out of a sense of fairness.