The Zinky Boys: Russia in Afghanistan and Ukraine
Putin’s government is as morally bankrupt as the Soviet communists who sent young Russians off to die for a lie in the 1980s.
Putin’s government is as morally bankrupt as the Soviet communists who sent young Russians off to die for a lie in the 1980s.
For those who decry Western support for Ukraine, everything is a precursor to World War III. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Despite its recent expansion, the BRICS ‘alliance’ is nothing more than vaporware. Claims of the death of the American-led world order have been greatly exaggerated.
The most hardcore supporters of Ukraine in the West are too gung-ho about war aims, to the point of being entirely counterproductive.
Should the strong protect the weak? The answer to this question says a great deal about the divergence between contemporary European and American attitudes on foreign policy.
What’s more fun than some light trolling? This movement needs a motto, and there’s one just begging to be adopted: Make Beijing Peking Again.
The Biden administration has a fatally flawed understanding of our position vis a vis our geopolitical adversaries; their consequent reluctance to capitalize on weakness betrays American interests.
Yesterday the Ukranian president made his appeal to the Russian citizens directly. English subtitles.
The ability to speak many languages is very useful skill in international reporting.
Why For All Mankind is so arresting: it shows an America that wasn’t stagnating culturally, one willing to take risks even at great cost
Linky Friday is the Ordinary Times end-of-the-week tradition of bringing you stories from across the web and around the world to discuss
What does getting vaccinated have to do with freedom? It depends on what you mean by the word “freedom”…
A Russian girl works on her American accent in case she gets arrested during protests.
Your Ordinary World with news, notes, and notions from across the interwebs and around the world as you nurse your holiday hangover.
The poisoning of Russian opposition leader and Putin critic Alexey Navalny was-and you might need to sit down for this-poisoning.
Commuting on a Friday night, Tweet about it all Saturday morning…or something.
What we have here is a twice failed presidential candidate slinging conspiracies at a current Democratic candidate that is polling at between 1% and 3%.