The Libertarian Case that Riots are Good, Achtually
I find it very, very concerning the number of libertarians who are watching the riots unfold with a gleam in their eyes
I find it very, very concerning the number of libertarians who are watching the riots unfold with a gleam in their eyes
This reluctance to condemn, this refusal to delineate between protesting and rioting, bears responsibility for what happened in Chicago last night
There are no good solutions to the rioters in Portland. There are many moving parts that, should any of them rub together, means a human tragedy.
And as is so often the case it will be the marginalized people who will pay the highest price, who already are paying the price
Walking around made you wonder if this was Minneapolis or some war-torn city on the other side of the world.
Every time we do this, folks will insist “This is the moment…” that everything is going to be different. God I hope it is. I pray it is. I doubt it is.
Stories from 1992 and 2020: We’re not “bad” people. But we’re not as good as we pretend, and we’re not holding ourselves to account.
Rioting has broken out among protests in Minneapolis over the police killing of George Floyd.
Thoughts about the riots in Baltimore. But it can’t be just about the riots, can it?