Contact Tracing: What If People Don’t Own Smart Phones?
The “mandatory app” approach to contact tracing relies on most (almost all) people having that technolog
The “mandatory app” approach to contact tracing relies on most (almost all) people having that technolog
Chinese technology giant Huawei will be involved in the United Kingdom’s 5G infrastructure after a decision by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
The right to access your health information in a programmatic fashion also gives you the right to unwittingly give a random app developer access to your health information. Is this a right we actually want?
Illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible in a court of law. What many may not know is that this fact is a relatively modern development in constitutional law
Those Terms of Service agreements are not there for the fun of it, folks. Read them. Otherwise folks not names you will make lots of profit off of you, or things about you, without including you.
I’ll admit, I don’t worry a lot about my privacy. But is there a limit to what I’m willing to share?
23andMe is sharing customer data with drug makers. They are allowed to do so under their user agreement. But like the Facebook outrage over personal data, how many didnt read the fine print and now will regret their decision?
A condemned man in Tennessee wants his lawyers to depose the people who would be his executioners.
It’s the close of the term, and here’s a recap of the major cases from SCOTUS this year. Some surprising results. Some, not so much. Alsotoo: we’re waiting until Monday for the Hobby Lobby and Harris decisions.
The White House has released its new “Report and Recommendations of The President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies” today.
A Federal Court found yesterday that the NSA does, in fact, routinely violate your Constitutional rights. The reason why is very likely within your arm’s reach right now.
Each time we’ve come into a surveillance oriented debate, there’s always a codicil that requires us to compare private vs. state data collection habits. Much of the debate focuses on which type of actor...
A modest proposal to make NSA searches of electronic communications subject to the Constitution but still effective at national security.
Defending the NSA’s program that collects information about the American public’s phone calls and emails, President Obama offered this bit of doublespeak: Well, in the end, and what I’ve said, and I continue to believe, is that we don’t have to sacrifice our freedom in order to achieve security. That’s a false choice. That doesn’t mean that there are not tradeoffs involved in any given program, in any given action that we take. So all of us make a decision […]
Defending the NSA’s program that collects information about the American public’s phone calls and emails, President Obama offered this bit of doublespeak: Well, in the end, and what I’ve said, and I continue to...
This is what can happen when you don’t understand the fine nuances of privacy policies: you could wind up a pop-up on Girls Around Me (“GAM”). GAM is a really creepy iPhone app that...
“What are all these people complaining about? It’s like getting an X-ray. I would do absolutely anything if it makes air travel safer.” “Okay, great. Just one more security measure, then. Would you kiss...