Tagged: Portland

portland, oregon

Portland, Oregon

The highly publicized ramping up of counter-protesting to the long-running Portland protests turned not only violent but deadly Saturday night.

Gastrodestination Portland

To the left is a meal I had in Portland, Oregon this weekend. It was not the best meal I had. But it was the gayest. (Read more at NaPP…)   Burt Likko is the...

A Call for Prayers and Best Wishes

My most beloved home town of Portland is reeling tonight. Late this afternoon an unidentified man entered the Clackamas Town Center Mall with a semi-automatic weapon and opened fire.  As we Portlanders well know,...

The New White City

I know this article on race and progressive cities has taken a lot of criticism, but its central observation – that liberal policies and homogeneous cities are closely correlated – seems pretty intuitive. Progressives...