Tagged: Mitt Romney

If You Read Just One Thing Today

Make sure it’s this. Whether you believe it or not, are persuaded or remain unconvinced, Matt Taibbi’s piece, combined with Romney’s close to the Republican Convention, will make it the talk of the town.

Polarization and Persuasion

Yesterday the Washington Post noted that A pair of tepid jobs reports, landmark Supreme Court decisions on health-care and immigration laws, and an unprecedented barrage of negative ads have shaped the opening months of...

I Feel Like Donald Trump Might

Why? Because after I (Trump?) endorsed David Sessions’ (i.e. Mitt Romney) work in my last post, Sessions has responded by calling me out as a wrongheaded so-and-so, etc, etc. (as Romney might consider doing...

Guest blogging for Kevin Drum

Leaguefest Las Vegas was a blast. Other than my wife coming down with a stomach bug; the headache I got Friday night that came on like a pre-hangover hangover; and the flu (or bad...

I Am Mitt Romney

  In the middle of my sophomore year in high school, my father was transferred from Los Angeles to Portland, Oregon. This transfer was at my parents request. They were just starting to look...

Under the banner of Romney

At some point, the question of Mitt Romney’s faith will come up and loom much larger than any of his business past. It will come up not just in circles of evangelical conservatives, but...

Winnowing The Long List

About three weeks ago, we came up with twelve names for the “long list” for choices for Mitt Romney’s running mate, finding thirteen names which each had at least something reasonable going for them....

Can Romney Beat Obama?

Guest post by James Hanley Short answer; yes. After all, we don’t know what’s going to happen between now and election day. Longer answer; not likely, with detailed explanation below. For the record, although...