Tagged: medicaid

Did SCOTUS “Side With Planned Parenthood?” (No.)

Six of the nine justices voted to deny certiorari in Gee vs. Planned Parenthood of Gulf Coast, Inc. and Andersen v. Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri. But while these cases do contain the trigger words “Planned Parenthood”, the denial of cert does not reflect the temperature of the Court on the issue of abortion.


Virginia 33rd State to Expand Medicaid

Earlier this week, Virginia became the 33rd State to pass legislation expanding Medicaid. While the national conversation still mostly focuses on the Affordable Care Act, colloquially known as Obamacare, the majority of states have quietly expanded government-run healthcare options.

The Affordable Care Act One Year Later

The New York Times has a new report: the Affordable Care Act seems to be making steady progress against the problem of uninsured Americans. This is despite Republican obstructionism of Medicaid expansion.

by Christopher Carr

Medicaid in Oregon: Does it Really Matter?

God help me, I just don’t understand conservatives sometimes. I disagree with them most of the time, but I usually understand where they’re coming from. But sometimes my best acts of imagination pale in...

Governor Romney’s Mediscam

Daniel Hatcher, a professor of law at the University of Baltimore, recently authored an op-ed for the Boston Globe on how Romney, as governor, was a deft practitioner of what’s been called “Mediscam.” The practice,...

The Walker Roadmap

Mike Konczal has an excellent post up on the three-pronged approach Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is taking in his stealth budget. In fact, he’s charted the whole thing out: The assault on unions is...