Saturday Spins: Dwight Yoakam’s Guitars, Cadillacs, Etc., Etc.
This was my Dwight Yoakam gateway drug…I like guitars, Cadillacs, and depending on what one considers “hillbilly music,” I like that too.
This was my Dwight Yoakam gateway drug…I like guitars, Cadillacs, and depending on what one considers “hillbilly music,” I like that too.
Since last week’s press conference, that already flimsy case excusing Taylor’s killing has taken four significant body blows.
In the The Simpsons, Homer carelessly tosses a glowing plutonium rod. But in 1974, an employee at the Kerr-McGee plutonium processing plant did, somehow…
This Year’s Local State Races Were Barely Noticed – Up Until After The Results Came In
There were several notable election last night, meaning there is reaction — and overreaction — this morning:
Everyone is transfixed on the battle for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, but there are some really interesting major races happening this fall.
An indulgence in what would be an act of political courage and principle, if it were to actually take place, which we all know it will not.
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Religious Test Clause predictably collide with Obergefell v. Hodges in Eastern Kentucky.
1) Voter registration. Kentucky, West Virginia, and Arkansas are disproportionately Democratic—that is, when you compare voting preferences with party identification. In Kentucky and West Virginia, the margins are 56-37 and 54-29, respectively. While the Old,...