Tagged: Homosexuality

Have We Gone Too Far Now?

I’m doing a class with 7th and 8th graders on leadership and diversity.  Today I asked them to brainstorm a list of words they thought of when they heard the phrase “Sexual Orientation”.  One...

“Dignity and Respect”

I’m not sure why this hasn’t taken the Internet by storm, but Wired found a military comic from 2001 explaining how army personnel are expected to deal with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Fortunately (or...

Desire and Deviance, again

A few weeks (months?) ago, David kicked off an interesting discussion on gay culture and sexual orientation. From The Utne Reader, here’s a smart take on the political logic of presenting sexual preferences as...

A Note on Athenian Pederasty

This is one of the posts from my other blog that disappeared into the ether with our technical difficulties. It seems to deserve reposting here for a couple of reasons. First, it fits well...