Tagged: fantasy

Adventure Time?

I’ve heard it said that at its heart, science fiction is really just an adventure story.
While this may be true, I don’t believe “adventure” is the reason I enjoy the genre.

Survey for League Roleplayers.

To the peeps who expressed an interest I need some questions answered for my own information. You can either post the response here, or if you’d prefer email them to me. The responses will...

A Wrinkle in Time

Austin Allen has a lovely post on Madeline L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time up at Big Think: L’Engle insisted that her novel be published as a children’s book, but she nearly gave up on...

Fantasy and High Fantasy

Alyssa Rosenberg and Adam Serwer both have responses up to my post on fantasy and the Anglosphere. Adam correctly notes that what I’m writing about in particular is “high fantasy” – a sub-genre of...

Fantasy and the Anglosphere

When I published my fantasy piece in the Atlantic it was linked (reproduced?) by Richard Dawkins’ site and a number of the atheists in the commentariat had scathing things to say about fantasy literature....

Book Review: The Magician King

Lev Grossman’s The Magicians posed the question “What if your childhood fantasy turned out to be real?” Quentin Coldwater had always been obsessed with magic, and particularly with Fillory, a Narnia-like land from a...