Tagged: abuse


Mother Sued for Uncovering Abuse

The School Board and all involved are entitled to defend themselves, but decision to counter-attack the mother because she exposed the atrocities happening in that classroom is a ruthless and tasteless move on behalf of a body of public servants.


Ordinary World 25Feb19

Your Ordinary World links for 25Feb19 ft stories on Catholic Church abuse summit, North Korea, Yazidis, Brexit, 2020 POTUS race, and more

Southern Baptist

Bad Sunday for the SBC

The Southern Baptist Convention is the largest protestant denomination in the United States, and is second only to the Catholic Church in membership in the Christian faith. And they have some soul searching to do.

Briefly, On Andrew Sullivan, Katie Roiphe, and Due Process

Although Andrew Sullivan and Katie Roiphe would never acknowledge it, maybe the Shitty Media Men list was created not as an affront to the concept of due process, but because due process has so often ended up protecting abusers rather than the abused.

Poor Partners

In classical art, you almost never see Athena and Aphrodite depicted together. There’s a reason for that, and it’s not the same reason you never see Clark Kent and Superman in the same room.

Nihil Novi Sub Sole

An unemployed California surfer buys lobster with his SNAP card — wait, where have I heard this before?