Tagged: 2016 Republican primary
Trump is the Mythological Reagan
Republicans have crafted a caricature of Ronald Reagan that has now been given form in Donald Trump.
Voter Violations
You better not shout, you better not pout, you better go out and vote or we’re telling all your neighbors. Ted Cruz is coming to town.
The Establishment’s “Anti-Establishment” Candidates
Both Trump and Cruz are “the establishment” in this country.
Broken Elephants, Part I: Donald Trump and the Triumph of the Conservative Media Machine
The Republican Party is broken. Arguments to the contrary are some combinations of smoke, mirrors, and wishful thinking.
Unfit Comments
I can’t help but gloat at the meteoric fall of the man who thought fighting teacher unions was akin to taking on ISIS.
Appealing To A Certain Demographic
If we live in the age of the politics of personality, then perhaps litigation offers a window to a candidate’s embittered, unpleasant soul.