Category: Mindless Diversions
Saturday Morning Gaming: Video Pinball on Sale at Costco
Costco is selling a fusion videogame/pinball machine with 10, count’em, 10 Star Wars pinball machines on it.
Weekend Plans Post: Crossing the Finish Line
Holy cow. We might have actually finished up a bunch of stuff. (Knock wood.)
Review: The Water Lily Pond
The Water Lily Pond is a 2016 science fiction novel by our own Michael Siegel.
Sunday Morning! “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare
While it’s tempting to see “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare as a gentle story about forgiveness, love, and magic, its central protagonist makes that interpretation very difficult.
Saturday Morning Gaming: Marvel’s Avengers – The Definitive Edition
The studio was stuck between making things right for the players and making things right for the Venture Capitalists…and everybody lost
Weekend Plans Post: The Joys of Being a Homeowner
I keep being surprised by 20 year items lasting only 20 years or so.
Weekend Plans Post: Almost time to Winterize. Almost.
We had the talk about the AC.
Just the talk, though.
Weekend Plans Post: On Giving Dating Advice
I had to take a Lyft the other day. The driver asked me “How do you find a good woman?”
Weekend Plans Post: Timey Wimey
Man, a long weekend just wrecks all kinds of being able to keep track of stuff.
Saturday Morning Gaming: Starfield
Jaybird makes his Starfield character: “You have a spaceship and a mission: GET YOUR MACGUFFIN TO THE PEOPLE WHO WANT IT! I’m hooked”
Saturday Morning Gaming: Stone Age
A great board game has been adapted for Steam!
I have no idea how to play well.
Sunday Morning! “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s play about political speech and the violence that underlies it raises questions about Caesar and democracy that we’ll likely never answer fully.
Saturday Morning Gaming: Book of Hours
The long-awaited sequel to Cultist Simulator is finally here!
Weekend Plans Post: Learning to Tell Them Apart
You know how your grandparents went through 2-3 names before getting to yours? It’s kinda like that, sometimes.
Saturday Morning Gaming: More Musings on Moral Choices
Call me old-fashioned, but I think that the only rewards for being evil should be more gold, more experience points, and different storyline resolutions. NOT extra content.