Author: Patrick

Civilization: Endgame

I’m a huge fan of the Civilization series of computer games (also the board game upon which they’re totally not based, right, Sid?) This might be the greatest CivII-related thing I’ve ever seen.

Friday Jukebox

I haven’t yet done one of these, so here’s an inaugural.  Love and Rockets formed in 1985 from the ashes of Bauhaus, one of the first post-Beatles “Aw, man, they broke up?” bands in...

A Note About Restraint

On the redoubtable Mr. Thompson’s last post, there is a counter-point to be made.  I shall now make this point, standing in for the law enforcement community. Firearm accuracy is notoriously bad in stress...

perspective in illustration

Sounds of the City

Right now  as I start this post, out on the street, the same somebody who comes by once a week is creating the clink-clink noise of bottles being sorted out of the neighborhood recycle...


Cross-posted at Mindless Diversions. Since Jaybird is busy bailing out the basement, I thought I’d throw together something just to provide our breathless readership with something to read on Monday, other than a post...

More Facebook

Tom wrote a post a while back about employers demanding that employees turn over their Facebook passwords.  My opinion was that this is a very bad idea, and Tod pointed out some salient reasons...

Sad Songs

they say, so… so much. This is the saddest “sad sack” story you will ever read if you’re a sports fan.  Mets fans don’t have anything on this.  Nobody has anything on this. CLIPPER...


Just finished the Game Theory midterm (I did just fine).  I have the rest of the day off.  It’s 30 minutes on the road to get back to Chez C. In honor of Mr....