Author: Burt Likko
Tenons Avec De Nice
Not a lot known just yet about what happened during Bastille Day celebrations on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France.
COMMON LAW: Hyperloop Hyperlitigation
Bambrogan et al. v. Hyperloop Technologies, et al., LASC No. BC626730 (filed July 12, 2016). Ho hum.
Redlining the Declaration (A Greatest Hit)
Originally run on his private blog way back in 2011, Burt Likko offers an editor’s view of the organic document of the United States of America.
COMMON LAW: Plaintiff Prays That Defendant Stop Playing “Eye Of The Tiger” Already
Academic theory is vindicated in actual practice: it turns out, Presidential candidates are not above copyright law.
COMMON LAW: Imperfect Entities
It turns out, there are holes in the law. Here’s how Burt Likko found one.
COMMON LAW: A Religious Test For Immigration
Don Zeko offers an analysis of the Constitutional issues raised by Donald Trump’s proposed “temporary” change to immigration law.
Greg Rosalsky: What’s the Difference Between a $240 Sushi Roll and a $6.95 Sushi Roll?
Greg Rosalsky got sushi from the same place that supplies fish to world-famous $600-per-seating NYC Japanese luxury gastroboutique Masa. Here’s how his meal turned out.
Really Uncompelling Broadcasting
We could have asked the bartender to change the channel.
But we didn’t.
Why? Why?
Bank of America wins reversal of $1.27 billion penalty in U.S. mortgage case – Reuters
Housingwire breaks a story on a $1.27 billion verdict reversal