
James K

James is a government policy analyst, and lives in Wellington, New Zealand. His interests including wargaming, computer gaming (especially RPGs and strategy games), Dungeons & Dragons and scepticism. No part of any of his posts or comments should be construed as the position of any part of the New Zealand government, or indeed any agency he may be associated with.

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10 Responses

  1. Damon says:

    The Night Watch story arc is one of the most disturbing arcs in this series. Especially now, given current events, it reminds me of how easily decent folk (Zack) can be lured into behavior considered unthinkable only recently, but not is considered acceptable.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    One of the things that made the Stasi work is the fact that everybody knew about it.

    If nobody knows about the Stasi, all you’ve got is a society in which people disappear from time to time.

    All that to say, I don’t understand how the Night Watch works.Report

    • James K in reply to Jaybird says:


      Understand that this is a nascent Stasi. They start off just being Earthforce personnel with special armbands. That adds the imprimatur of authority to the Night Watch, and increases visibility. Then they start shutting people down. What we saw at the end of the episode might be the first person disappeared by the Night Watch, or at least by B5’s Night Watch.Report

  3. Pinky says:

    I remember reading that the executives wanted a hot-shot pilot character, so the writers created Keffer, gave him no screen time, then killed him. I know we’re supposed to root for the writers’ artistic vision over the evil studio guys (boo! boo!), but things would have gone a lot better if they’d all worked together.Report

  4. Dman says:

    I like the Night Watch arc. Yes, it is obvious, but you want this to be obviously sinister/evil, so everyone that watches gets it.Report

  5. KatherineMW says:

    He is determined to have “peace in our time” (subtlety is not one of JMS’s strong suits).

    Oh, yes. This is the most egregious example in the show, and highly annoying to me. We already have Earth signing a peace treaty with a nation with a record of present and continuing aggression, the parallel is already blatantly obvious, directly spelling it out via famous quote just feels like JMS is saying he thinks he audience are utter idiots.

    I have similar issues with the X-Men films. I like them – at any rate, I like the good ones (X-Men, X2, First Class, and to a lesser extent DOFP) – but they could be so much better if they handled their metaphors and parallels with a somewhat lighter hand.

    The second highly annoying aspect of this episode is the utter disaster that is the special effects. I don’t expect this show to be great in this area, and the effects typically don’t both at all. But the stupid, obvious bomb with a ticking counter (if you want to assassinate someone, probably better to leave the bomb hidden and/or not obviously looking like a bomb, so they don’t notice it) combined with Bruce Boxleitner waving around in front of a green screen turns what’s supposed to be the show’s climactic moment into a farce.

    I agree that the Night Watch is creepy and that Zack’s gradual embroilment with them is a good depiction of how such organizations operate.

    The Vorlons’ actions are incredibly disturbing. I like it that Sheridan immediately draws the correct conclusion – that the Vorlons deliberately impressed themselves into the minds of early human society as angelic figures – rather than being fooled into thinking that just because Kosh looked like an angel, the Vorlons must be unequivocal good guys. Instead of this being an even that causes him to treat the Vorlons completely uncritically, it’s the moment he starts to realize just how thoroughly humans – and every other spacefaring species in the galaxy – has been manipulated. And we may have noticed by now that Sheridan’s not a guy who likes being manipulated.Report

    • James K in reply to KatherineMW says:


      I agree with all your points. The “Peace in our Time” line isn’t just unsubtle, its bad writing. No diplomat is ever going to use that line in defence of a diplomatic action. In the DVD commentary, JMS explicitly names him as a Neville Chamberlain figure, and if he really did want to convey that idea, he should have had Sheridan describe the peace mission in those terms and have Lanze try and argue back e.g:

      Nonsense, this is nothing like the Nazis. The Centauri didn’t attack the Narn at random, this was part of a centuries-long feud. This is a delicate time now Sheridan, The Centauri have conquered an enemy that less than a year ago was posing a grave threat to their sovereignty. Its very important right now that we don’t provoke them into seeing enemies everywhere. If they see that the interstellar community has no hostile intentions then there is no reason to believe they will want to keep fighting, rather than consolidating their gains. Comparing everyone you dislike to the Nazis is bigoted, inflammatory and will potentially lead to needless bloodshed and no one wants that.

      This would be wrong, but it’s something I could imagine a thinking human being actually saying.

      And the special effects … ugh. Obvious bomb is obvious. Why not have Sheridan see it hidden under the seat out of the corner of his eye? In fairness to the badness of the free-fall effects, JMS does agree with your assessment in the DVD commentary.

      But I agree that the Sheridan reaction to the Deus ex Vorlon was very well done, in particular in contrast to Delenn. She sees this as a miracle, and it shows that while Sheridan may love Delenn and be on her side, he doesn’t share all her perspectives. So JMS can do nuance sometimes at least.

      I also like the Night Watch stuff, even if it isn’t subtle either. The slide into tyranny is something that doesn’t get enough attention in fiction. It’s easy to create static societies labelled “free” or “tyrannical” and changes from tyranny to free pop up fairly often (though not often handled well), but the reverse is far too rare outside of “tyrant invades and takes over”.Report

      • KatherineMW in reply to James K says:

        this was part of a centuries-long feud…an enemy that [poses] a grave threat to their sovereignty…Its very important right now that we don’t provoke them into seeing enemies everywhere…If they see that the [international] community has no hostile intentions then there is no reason to believe they will want to keep fighting…Comparing everyone you dislike to [any negatively-viewed historical entity] is bigoted, inflammatory

        Wow. I don’t want to assume this is intended as tacit agreement with views I’ve voiced on other (political) threads. But, regardless, every word of this is intensely familiar to me, and has been deployed against me, on numerous occasion, in debates on one particular issue. Don’t antagonize them, don’t make them see threats, don’t make unflattering comparisons, they didn’t even start this fight, the only way to make peace is through a position of unquestioning support…

        You may be getting a sense of some of the roots of my support for G’Kar (in addition to G’Kar’s general awesomeness).

        The slide into tyranny is something that doesn’t get enough attention in fiction.

        Yes, and here it’s even done in a slightly more subtle manner than other works (such as the Star Wars prequels). It’s a slide that people slowly, tacitly consent to rather than purely a case of everyone being hoodwinked. Which is far more realistic.Report

      • James K in reply to James K says:


        I merely considered what I thought was the best argument for Earth signing a treaty with the Centauri and wrote it up. I don’t think it would be the right call in that situation, but it’s the sort of thing I could imagine a real diplomat saying. And a desire to avoid war and de-escalate chaotic and violent situations is often (though not always) laudable. If Europe’s leadership had more people like Lanze in it when Franz Ferdinand was killed, we might have avoided World War One.

        A lot of writers make the mistake of closely paralleling a political error by a character to one of History’s Great Blunders. But almost everyone who committed one of History’s Great Blunders had what felt to them like solid and defensible reasons for doing what they did. To make a character like Lanze believable you need to show that they are more than a fool – that they have logical (if erroneous) reasons for doing what they are doing.Report

      • Pinky in reply to James K says:

        This is what makes the show’s bouts of heavy-handedness so frustrating. We’ve all sat through lamer sci-fi, with Ming the Merciless type villains. B5 aspired to something better. If you spin off the road in a Porsche, you’re just driving badly.Report