Throughput: COVID Blogger Edition

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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6 Responses

  1. fillyjonk

    ThTh1: yeah unfortunately COVID is still out there, even if people have really changed their practices about it. I overheard my colleague having to argue over the phone with his TA, telling her NOT to come in to teach lab with COVID. (My colleague’s wife is currently a cancer patient, and it’s not impossible that there are immune-suppressed students in the lab). The TAs argument was “there’s no longer any official policy!”

    I later told my colleague that we are free to make official policy for OUR classes, so he could tell the TA his policy is “if you’re infectious, don’t come.”

    Granted, pay is involved here for the TA. My class policy for my students is “e-mail me if you think you have something contagious* and I’ll excuse you for the day” I’ve never had a problem with any one pushing back

    (*We have had Norovirus make the rounds here and while it’s arguably less serious than COVID, NO ONE wants Norovirus.)

    But yeah, F the Chinese government’s lies, and F the people who politicized it to the point where now some cities are talking doing mask bans, which will be v. scary if H5N1 becomes a thing.Report

  2. Glyph

    “I later told my colleague that we are free to make official policy for OUR classes, so he could tell the TA his policy is “if you’re infectious, don’t come.”

    This is the thing. One lesson we SHOULD have taken from COVID, now that it’s endemic, is just plain “if you’re sick, stay home and rest and drink fluids and try to avoid infecting others. and go to the hospital if it gets bad.”

    Now that vaccines that minimize the worst COVID outcomes for most people are freely available, COVID is just one more member of the flu/particularly-nasty-cold/RSV gang out there, and any one of those (or norovirus, or whatever) can be extremely harmful to someone immunocompromised, and just makes life miserable for the rest of us.

    What specific MODEL of Viral Crud do you have *this* time? Who cares? Stay home, I’ll see you in a couple days when you feel better!Report

  3. Chris

    I’m confused by the China hate. The first definite case was December 1, 2019; Chinese scientists had sequenced the genome by late December, released a public health notice (with some misinformation, but it was very early and there’s no evidence that they were intentionally misleading rather than simply being ignorant), mandating masks in public, on December 31; the world was aware by January 8; and the American mainstream press was publishing articles by mid-January. Again, there was some misinformation in early Chinese public releases, particularly related to transmission, but the Chinese government had a public health advisory within 2 weeks of the sequencing, and had a massive response team building hospitals and staffing them within a few weeks of the first recognized case.

    The worst thing the Chinese government probably did was delay the WHO’s public health emergency declaration until the end of January. That may have had an affect on some people’s travel, but really, by the point the WHO was trying to declare an emergency, it was probably too late, not because China had hidden anything, but because they hadn’t shut down all of Wuhan in December, which seems like an excusable thing given that the U.S. would almost certainly not have shut down an entire city or state either under those circumstances (or, as our own COVID response showed, under any circumstances). Then China did shut down Wuhan, and for about a year, their mortality rate went down in China outside of Wuhan, while we and the rest of the world continued to fumble (eventually China got hit hard, as we all know, because you can only contain a virus like that for so long, which is all the more reason not to blame China for it getting out in the first place).

    Was China perfect in their response, then? No, not by any metric. Would any country have been? No. OK, maybe New Zealand. But the rest of the world would have fumbled at least as bad as China. I consider this to be just one more example of the irrational hatred for China among Americans, an irrationality that is increasingly pervades both parties’ China policies (did you hear Vance last night?), and which increasingly threatens the peace, economic stability, and even the climate of this country and the entire world. It’d be good if people cut it out.Report

    • Glyph in reply to Chris

      “Chinese scientists had sequenced the genome by late December, released a public health notice (with some misinformation, but it was very early and there’s no evidence that they were intentionally misleading rather than simply being ignorant)”

      In my understanding of events/timeline, this is true but does not contradict OP at all, which specifically says their beef is not with Chinese scientists or people but with the Chinese government. As I understand it, the Chinese scientists who did great, historical, lifesaving work in quickly getting COVID information out to the wider world did so IN SPITE OF, not with the assistance/support of, the Chinese government, who continued to try to tamp down on them for the usual reasons.

      In this, they may be seen as similar to the American scientists who tried, with varying levels of success, to advise and assist US citizens on the pandemic while struggling to contend with a government that made, shall we say, various critical missteps for which I think it can also be fairly criticized.

      I did a quick google to see if my understanding of things was still current and found this, which lines up with my understanding (that the Chinese scientists who did the right thing did so by going AROUND their government; and that they continue to pay the political price for their heroic actions.)

  4. Pinky

    I hope you and your people are doing fine.Report

  5. Carl Schwent

    ThTh8: Looks like a hummingbird to me.Report

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