Airshows and Americana

Mike Coté

Mike Coté is a writer and podcaster focusing on history, Great Power rivalry, and geopolitics. He has a Master’s degree in European history, and is working on a book about the Anglo-German economic and strategic rivalry before World War I. He writes for National Review, Providence Magazine, and The Federalist, hosts the Rational Policy podcast, and can be found on Twitter @ratlpolicy.

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4 Responses

  1. Philip H says:

    AirVenture is indeed a one of a kind. The Blue Angels homecoming show in the fall is more military but still loud and fun.Report

  2. Burt Likko says:

    I always enjoyed myself at the Edwards Air Force Base airshow back when they still did that; when they stopped, it turned out some locals in that part of SoCal loved it so much they formed a charity and started hosting their own airshow off-base. So we could no longer get the Thunderbirds (USAF) but did get to see the Blue Angels (USN) and they did a rather similar show. I’ve run across shows in my travels throughout the west, sometimes intentionally and sometimes by accident to my great delight, including one time at MCAS Miramar. Hanging around to watch that made me late for a family get-together but I’ve few regrets.Report

  3. Michael Cain says:

    The one airshow sight that I always remember is from Offutt AFB south of Omaha. A U-2 came ghosting along the main runway less than 50 feet off the ground, then pulled up into a ridiculously steep climb. Just kept going like that — seemed like it was straight up — until it was out of sight.Report

  4. Anne says:

    I went to Oshkosh mumblemumble years ago. It was awesome. I got Pappy Boyintons autograph! It is the only airshow I have gone to despite living next to Andrews AFB when I was in DC (close enough the show planes turned over the house) and now living within a stones throw of Tinker AFBReport