OT Contributor Network: Heard Tell Podcast on Facial Recognition Use by LE and Big Tech Regulation
The latest Heard Tell podcast from Andrew Donaldson has James Czerniawski telling the story of facial recognition technology gone wrong at the hands of law enforcements, and helps us turn down the noise on Big Tech regulation by congress, how such issues are infiltrating gaming, and how we should — and should not — view the freedom of information and speech provided by the internet.
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The Robert Williams story of an innocent man wrongly accused by police using facial recognition technology stunned a congressional hearing, and once again brings up the active fault line of freedom & regulation. Technology and policy analyst James Czerniawski helps explain how the Williams story is one of many of issues with facial recognition technology, while turning down the news cycle noise on Big Tech regulation and concerns over freedom and liberty both here in America, and in places like China where facial recognition is being used in things like gaming to monitor people’s actions. We also talk how maybe we don’t appreciate the internet for the tool for information, free speech, and freedom that is in America, and how we should use that view when discussing potential legislation and regulation of it.
Guest Bio:
James Czerniawski is a policy analyst at Libertas Institute, a free-market think tank in Utah. He writes about consumer data privacy, cybersecurity, and technology and innovation issues. His work has been published in Real Clear Future, The Morning Consult, Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune.