Saturday Morning Gaming: Fallout 76 Reviewed


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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13 Responses

  1. Hoosegow Flask

    I started playing FO76 at launch with a group of friends. Standard rifleman style build. It was fun until they lost interest and stopped playing.

    So I started a new solo character. Melee build. I played through most of the main and side quests, but endgame was mostly grinding for Atoms for cosmetics, so I eventually stopped.

    I started a 3rd character after NPCs were added, mostly just to see the differences. I feel like the NPC somewhat diminish the impact of the original story (told mostly through holotapes).

    I used to check in from time to time, but hadn’t in a few years.

    I popped in during the Fasnacht event this year February and have been playing since. There’s a lot of content that wasn’t there at launch. Legendary crafting, expeditions, more quests, more factions, more events, more currencies with different sets of purchasables.

    I’m sure eventually it’ll feel too grindy and I’ll stop, but I’m having fun now.Report

  2. Jaybird

    Any advice? I’m level 31 and running around doing the stuff the robot mayor is telling me to do. My best rifle is still the one I got from finding the cache. My armor skills are still stuck at two stars and I’m wondering if this is one of those things where the game doesn’t really open up until level 50.Report

    • Hoosegow Flask in reply to Jaybird

      Don’t be afraid to join public events that have (much) higher level players in it (like the ‘Invaders from Above’ one that happens on the top of every hour, but also others), though I would let others trigger the start and just contribute where you can. Events are a good way to get plans, legendary items, and consumables.

      Don’t fear dying. You only lose the junk you’re carrying. If you scrap and stash regularly, it’s not much of a hinderance.

      Legendary items you don’t want, you should NOT sell them for caps, but use the legendary exchange machines near vendors to get “scrip”, which can be used for crafting legendary items later. You’ll want to wait until you’re level 50, so you can craft top level gear. Eventually you’ll be able to buy random legendaries within in category (such as ‘3 star melee’), but it’s generally better to craft yourself.

      You’ll want to start to specialize your combat skills to maximize combat effectiveness. ( has a build planner.) Basically pick one type of weapon, then tailor your perks and gear to match that. You can do just about anything, but some are more effective than others. Pistols, as I understand, are fine against normal enemies but suck in boss fights.Report

  3. Andy

    I haven’t played FO76. I was hopeful for it at launch but nope. Haven’t really kept track of it since but with the renewed interest in fallout it seems they’ve fixed a lot of it.

    I’m still not likely to play it, however. No friends who are interested and I’m currently having a blast with a modernized and modded New Vegas. I’ll probably do modded Fallout 3 after.

    With the show out, Bethesda really should get a New Vegas remaster.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Andy

      You can get Fallout 76 for free as part of Amazon Gaming, if you’ve got Amazon Prime (I think!).

      If you are starved for Fallout content, it’s worth playing for a month or two, I guess. But I keep finding myself wanting to wander back to New Vegas and if I wanted to deal with maintaining as much as 76 wants me to maintain, I’d go back and check out the Fallout 4 update that it just got.Report

      • Burt Likko in reply to Jaybird

        I don’t think any video game experience will ever again capture the feeling of that first look at Hoover Dam.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to Burt Likko

          Fallout 3 had the first moment when you stepped outside of the cave housing the vault.

          New Vegas had the Hoover Dam.

          Fallout 4 had the mushroom cloud. (I watched it in VR as well… terrifying. Worth the purchase price of the game.)

          I hope that Fallout 5 doesn’t suck. Starfield is limp. I keep waiting to hear that the dev kit has been handed to crazy people in the community that are likely to tell their various schizophrenic and/or gnostic masterpieces…

          But Fallout 5 won’t start being developed until Elder Scrolls VI is released.

          I hope Elder Scrolls VI doesn’t suck, now that I think about it.Report

      • Andy in reply to Jaybird

        Just saw a couple of videos on the next FO76 DLC which is in Steam beta now and due to go live supposedly in June. Really positive so far – might be worth sticking around for.

        And yeah, I have the itch for a Fallout 4 replay too. I still remember some annoying things about that game, but probably mods have fixed a lot of stuff.Report

  4. North

    I appreciate this review. I had considered maybe trying ’76 now that they’d had some time to, you know, actually complete the game rather than try the shivering skeleton of one they released initially. Having read all this I’m pretty confident I’m not interested. I want the story, not the mechanics and an MMO is the last thing in the universe I want to touch with a ten foot pole.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to North

      If you can get it for free, I recommend the first 3-4 hours. It’s thrilling to watch the opening cutscene and go through the opening segment and walk outside of the vault for the first time and explore the wasteland.

      And then when you see the strings of the mechanics, you can turn it off.Report

  5. Jaybird

    I have just cancelled Fallout 1st.

    I asked myself “Do I want to pay another $13 for this and be obligated to play it?”

    And I said… “nah”.

    Without a central storyline driving the story, the game suffers from being a prequel. There are literally zero stakes.

    Fallout 1? Happens. Fallout 2? Happens. Fallout 3? New Vegas? 4?
    All I am doing is faffing about.
    And I can do that for free.Report

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