Weekend Plans Post: Hey Rocky, Watch Me Pull A Rabbit Out Of My Hat
Visiting The Jokes Of The Future Of The Past
Visiting The Jokes Of The Future Of The Past
There is a discussion regarding the riots this past summer and January 6th’s riot at the Capitol, so I’d thought I’d lay out the argument.
It’s been a slow news week so come with me on a journey into American folklore to a story we all kn–wait, what’s this coming in through my earpiece? The President of the United...
While Adams still has the pall of being an asshole hanging over his head, none of those come with possible felonies attached.
It is becoming clear Parler did not do their own due diligence in the design, intention, and operation of their product.
If President Trump goes unpunished, the message will not be “don’t do this”. No, the message will be, “Next time, send a bigger mob”.
Croswell appealed his convictions and requested a new trial, and was represented by Jefferson foe Alexander Hamilton, pro bono
How vows to reform public safety in the wake of George Floyd’s killing devolved into modest cuts to the city’s 2021 police budget
The president is defiant, Congress is impeaching, and the final days of the Trump Presidency are set for a climactic ending. So now what?
From CNN Business: New York (CNN Business)Sheldon Adelson, the chairman and CEO of Las Vegas Sands and a major donor to Republican politicians, died late Monday following complications related to his cancer treatment, his...
State residency is a debatable and fluid concept for people like you and every state you visit will eye you for potential revenue.
From Gizmodo: In the wake of the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by scores of President Trump’s supporters, a lone researcher began an effort to catalogue the posts of social media users across...
President Trump merely told them that “if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” This is Trump’s history.
“Fighting words” are distinct from “speech that incites violence,” though both are limited but recognized exceptions to First Amendment protection.
And now, Proust immerses us in his remembered social milieu like a sponge cake in tea, and rhapsodizes about the myriad joys and pains of everyday existence. His young narrator overflows with delight.