To Thine Own Soul be Authentic

Eloisa Hilton

Eloisa Hilton is an erotica writer from Huntsville, Alabama. She is the author of Treasure Lost, available on Amazon. Her short works can be found on her blog.

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9 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    We watched that as well. It’s a good movie, and I applaud Pixar for not tying up the ending, but leaving it wide open as to what path Joe takes,Report

  2. We watched it last night. The voice acting is terrific, especially Jamie Foxx as the main character, but also Tina Fey, Angela Basset, and Phylicia Rashad. And the African-American characters feel authentic, like the Mexican characters in Coco.Report

  3. fillyjonk says:

    I don’t have Disney+ but maybe I need to get it, at least long enough to watch this. I have been dealing with feelings of “I wasted my life because I have never done anything meaningful” which existed even before the pandemic, but has been made a great deal worse by pandemic isolation.Report

  4. Murali says:

    I understand that the OP is partly confessional, but authenticity talk tends to rub me the wrong way. Let alone the standard problems we might have with authenticity, if anything, our current age is plagued by a surfeit of authenticity. To be inauthentic is to have a filter, to care about what other people think, to constrain your own actions by the opinions of others.

    You already have a president who lacks such a filter and 4 years ago, a great many people voted him in precisely because he lacked a filter. Many people in turn were emboldened to throw away their filters and be enormously racist assholes. I think it is time for people to turn their filters on and show some self-restraint.Report

    • Eloisa Hilton in reply to Murali says:

      Being authentic and not having a filter are two different things, at least my understanding. You can be authentic and still be tactful, still have compassion, and still have humanity, and still follow social norms.Report

  5. We just watched it and loved the movie. Glad you are still with us, Eloisa!Report