Help Mississippi Choose a New Flag
When Mississippi announced they were changing their state flag, I was honestly somewhat skeptical. I figured it was setting up a commission and then there would be a proposed flag which would probably be ugly and rejected and that would be that.
In 2001, they had a referendum with an ugly alternative and not surprisingly it was rejected.But they went all-in. Announcing the retirement of the flag with a new one to be named later.
They are now taking a poll on what their new flag should look like
That last one was included by mistake, but I thought we should include it here.
So which is your favorite? Which is your least favorite?
Mississippi Flag
- Flag 10 (29%, 7 Votes)
- Flag 8 (17%, 4 Votes)
- Flag 1 (17%, 4 Votes)
- Flag 4 (8%, 2 Votes)
- Flag 3 (8%, 2 Votes)
- Flag 7 (8%, 2 Votes)
- Flag 5 (4%, 1 Votes)
- Flag 9 (4%, 1 Votes)
- Flag 6 (4%, 1 Votes)
- Flag 2 (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 24

So as perhaps the only OT commenter living in Mississippi – the chamber of commerce backs the change. And the deal was done when the NCAA announced we could not host or compete in any college sports championships under the old flag.
This has become a Political football (!) of course, with the same crowd that doesn’t want the governor telling them to wear masks also in arms that the legislature would take away their “right” to vote on a new flag.
The mosquito is a hilarious addition, but the flag it’s on was officially removed from consideration because the designer didn’t want to add the required “In God We Trust.”Report
Yeah, I figured groups like the CoC wanted it. And football coaches (even Tuberville!). But I was still somewhat skeptical mostly because I thought it was going to happen after Dylann Roof. There definitely seemed to be momentum, but then it just stalled. So I figured it was just going to keep getting stuck.Report
Its a weird time – the Republican Governor and the Republican Speaker of the House – who used to e best buds when the former was Lt. Governor – are now openly at war over dang near everything.Report
I really like #10 even if it is false. Nova Scotia is surely the mosquito capital of the world.Report
The motto on #6 should be Eat My Shorts. Thanks, Atomic Kristin, now I can’t unsee it.Report
That would make it the flag of Thighland.Report
I like 8, but then I am a botanist and there are too-few flags with plants. I like it better than the other magnolia-flower one, and better than that weird folk-arty stylized tree thing.(4 and 5). I also like a flag that is NOT heavily blue and red – too many are.
10 is supposedly “was included in error” but I think it’s hilarious.I was thinking if my state redid its flag and went that route, we’d have to have a Red Imported Fire Ant on it.
9 is, IMHO, the worst, simply because it’s super bland; that could be like any state’s flagReport
I was down to #3 and #8, and finally opted for #3 because most versions of #8 in practice will lack the fine shading and look quite different.
Blandness is an interesting thing. Ratings of state flags put Colorado’s either near the top of the list or the bottom of the list. It’s never in the middle.Report
The other shortcoming (or perhaps feature) of 4 or 5 would be the state flag being mistaken for the white tree of Gondor.Report
I voted for the mosquito flag, because of course I voted for the mosquito flag. But #8 is IMO clearly the best sober choice.Report
Lots of Mississippians voted likewise.Report
The mosquito flag must fly!Report
I used to go to Pascagoula, Mississippi on business, and rarely saw any mosquitos. Pretty sure the vented gasses from the refinery took care of them.Report
#6 is superior because people can instantly ID it as Mississippi’s flag. It carries more information than the others.Report
I like #7 and #1, ultimately opting for the former. There’s just something really cool about the imagery of the river being incorporated that way. I actually have a slight lean towards #1 but I think it is too abstract. Then again, I think I was looking at this through the lens of “Which of these would look super dope on a basketball uniform?” and those are the sorts of details that really pop. As far as flags go, there are probably better options.Report
I would be reluctant to have my flag say, “Here’s why we ask for Army Corps of Engineers help and federal flood insurance subsidies all out of proportion to our population.” But that’s just me living in a high arid place where the general response to people who need federal flood insurance is, “Why the fnck did you build your house in a canyon?”Report
I like #8. If the state is looking to go a whole new direction, I think a strong color choice with a pleasing reminder of the state’s beauty is a solid way to go.
#10 is the new Alaska flag.Report
All I see is 10 failures. Nobody ever has trouble spelling “In God We Trust” but some people do have trouble spelling Mississippi. So spell it out on the state flag, so everybody can just look up at it and double check without depending on auto-correct!Report
And we are now down to 5: