Non-Doomsday Prepping: No Yeast? No Problem

Kristin Devine

Kristin has humbly retired as Ordinary Times' friendly neighborhood political whipping girl to focus on culture and gender issues. She lives in a wildlife refuge in rural Washington state with too many children and way too many animals. There's also a blog which most people would very much disapprove of

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4 Responses

  1. Damon says:

    So my dad used to make “hoe cake” back in the day. Coarse ground corn….think steel cut oat size…in a heated cast iron skillet. It had little sugar but was great, in spite of all the chewing, with stews. Also good with maple sugar and butter. It filled up the skillet so it was about 2 inches tall and 12-15 inches wide. God it was a cobblestone though 🙂Report

  2. fillyjonk says:

    1. My favorite ever biscuit recipe is the “Fluffy baking-powder biscuits” from the old Farm Journal Country Fair cookbook (a cookbook from the 60s; my mom had most of the Farm Journal set when I was growing up and I’ve sought them out at used book stores because they are so excellent. Especially Country Fair – they are all prizewinning recipes). It has an egg in it which I think improves the biscuit a lot.

    2. I always put baking powder in my soda bread, it seems to get less brick-y that way. I also like to put raisins and sometimes fennel seed in it.

    3. There was a recipe for Navajo flat bread making the rounds of Twitter, I have made it several times because it is fast and it fills the carby/salty/chewy bread need: 2 cups flour, 1 T baking powder, 1 t salt, 1 T (or more, I use more) oil, water as needed to make a sticky dough. Knead, let sit 1/2 hour to an hour, then take golf-ball sized lumps and stretch them out flat and fry in a pan.

    This is not very different from the flour tortilla recipe I use, except it has no baking powder and more oil, and you roll them out flat with a rolling pin, and cook them on a dry griddle. They are very good and are less sodium than the commercial ones (I usually put less than the recommended salt in them).

    You can also do a sort of mock-chapatti if you have whole wheat flour – sub in half whole wheat for the plain flour, add a tiny bit of brown sugar (like, 1/2 t) and maybe a little baking powder too – just like the tortillas, you knead them five minutes and let them sit for a half hour, then roll out and fry. But whole wheat flour is even harder to find here now than plain, and I haven’t got any.Report

    • Thank you!! I had been toying with a “fried quick bread” article to include stuff like hush puppies and English Muffins but it will take a lot of recipe testing (not that I’m complaining, LOL) I really appreciate it!

      I have the Farm Journal Freezing and Canning Cookbook from the 60’s and it’s one of my prize possessions. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the others.Report