Big Jim vs The Corona

Governor Jim Justice [Public domain]
He is known for his folksy antics; this is the man who brought a silver platter of literal bullshit to the state Capitol Rotunda to express his opinion of that year’s proposed budget. He is alarmingly large – 6’7 and, I’d venture to guess, at least 400 pounds – earning him the moniker of “Big Jim” from close personal friend Donald Trump. He was briefly a Democrat when he won the governorship in 2016, then promptly switched back to his native Republican at a Trump rally in West Virginia in 2017.
Big Jim sounds like a cross between a dumber Sheriff Andy Taylor and a fire and brimstone country preacher, speaking slowly and emphatically as though speaking to children, in a thickly Appalachian accent. There is a Jim Justice speech bingo card circulating on Facebook containing his oft-used phrases, such as “for crying out loud”, “in any way, shape, form, or fashion”, and beginning a sentence with “now…”
He has been criticized for not spending as much time in the capital as one would expect from a governor, refusing to move into the Governor’s Mansion and instead spending his time at the Greenbrier a couple of hours away. This is probably contrary to state law that requires the governor to reside in Charleston, but a lawsuit challenging his residency failed (he claims that his mobility issues make the mansion unfit to be his full-time residence.)
Despite his absenteeism, he has been quite present as the pandemic has taken hold. Ours was the last state to confirm a diagnosed case of COVID-191, but the governor did implore residents to practice social distancing, ordered the schools closed and imposed restrictions on visitors in nursing homes even before the first case was announced. Then again, he also went on TV last week and told people “if you want to go to Bob Evans and eat, for crying out loud, go to Bob Evans!” even though, at that point, no one should have been going to Bob Evans.
We all thought the shut-down order was coming last Saturday evening, when a 7pm statement from the governor was announced. He had said we would only hear from him over the weekend if there was some big news or important change. So naturally, folks swarmed the grocery stores, again, in preparation for the lock-down. Instead, we got a rambling, incoherent speech from Big Jim that resulted in nothing but head scratching and hilarious memes. Skip ahead to the 5:20 mark, if you decide to watch. The gist: All the king’s horses and all the king’s men knew a Tsunami is coming, we don’t want to be like New York, thousands may die, so we must do something. For every day we wait for the tsunami, many will die. So what we are going to do is just this: We are not going to do anything.
The shut-down order eventually came the following Monday and there has been a press conference every day since. Jim does his rambling, and then we hear from the state’s health officials. His message today, in addition to the good news that residents can fish for the next thirty days without a license, was a stern warning to New Yorkers.
Yes, a stern warning to New Yorkers. He says they probably see West Virginia as a safe haven to which they can escape. But, he says, any New Yorkers who decide to come here better self-quarantine themselves for the required 14 days, and he means it; he doesn’t know what he can do if you don’t, but you better!
It’s a hard time to be a leader right now. I’m going to give Big Jim a solid C+, but that’s mostly due to the work of the health officials around him who are guiding most of the decisions. Closing schools and restricting visitors to nursing homes before we even had a confirmed case may have helped in stemming the tide from this tsunami he keeps talking about. We now have 51 cases in the week since the first was announced, and that number will surely grow by the day’s end, but it is still one of the lowest in the country. Hopefully we can keep those New Yorkers from coming down here and infecting us all; if they do, they’ll have Big Jim to deal with.
How well is your local government handling things?
Mike DeWine has managed to resurrect a bipartisan spirit here in Ohio, and Dr. Amy Acton has become a household name now. So far, things look under control here thanks to both of their quick actions. However, I did hear the governor was having to hold back colorful language today when talking about getting federal ventilator assistance.Report
I don’t know what Gavin Newsom is saying in private, but in public he’s been quite polite. This surprises me a bit. I suppose he knows what the words “mission focus” mean.
The good news is that since your governor is a good buddy of Trump’s, WV will be towards the top of the list for federal assistance.Report
California is on the front guard of stay in place to combat the pandemic. All in all, I do think Newsom is being serious and handling the situation well. He is not as much of a public presence as Cuomo though.Report
Seriously unhealthy, I’m bigger than that but less than 60% as heavy.
Unclear. I’d say they’re on top of things and super compitent, but I’m out in the sticks in a county with single digits of cases and Detroit is a hot spot.
Basically everything was shut down on the 12th-16th, when we had about 50 cases.
We now have more than 2800, we’re getting about +25% cases every day.
So… is that was victory looks like?Report
Kentucky’s Governor Beshear has been doing an excellent job, giving daily press conferences and staying on top of things. He took the virus extremely seriously from the state.
I think even Republicans are relieved that we don’t have Matt Bevin anymore. It’s anybody’s guess what Bevin would have done, probably having the state adopt any and all orphans from Wuhan and promoting video cock-fighting as a way to show our resilience.Report
Murphy is getting big praise, I think in part because of a folksy/no-nonsense approach to communication (e.g., a casually shot video where he says, “If you have a corona party, we’ll crash your party.”)
County Exec just announced closing certain public parks and limiting access to others by closing parking lots, making them accessible on foot only. I think that’s more about perception than reality. If anything, it may backfire by sending folks to fewer/smaller places. My sons and I have done a lot of hiking and nature walks. We saw others on trail but everyone maintained social distancing. That will be harder now. Maybe the goal is to make us stay indoors, but people need to move.Report
One state banned fishing, and I couldn’t think of anything less likely to transmit the virus than a guy in the middle of the lake waiting all day to snag a bass. Hikers scattered in the woods aren’t going to spread the infection. If everybody loaded up a camper and went duck hunting for the next two weeks, the outbreak would come to a screeching halt.Report
The point of doing things like that is to emphasize to people that this is different, that it’s something they need to take seriously, that it’s not just An Extra Christmas Break. If all the shops and restaurants weren’t closed, all the parks and bars still open, people would just go out and party and we might as well have not bothered.
You’re right that fishing by yourself in the middle of a lake is not an activity with a high risk of person-to-person transmission, but the point is to reinforce a message, and times like this are all about the messaging.
And it can send another message later. “They opened the lake back up. Things must be getting better. News says they’re still bad, but then those people always do.”Report
One guy in the middle of a lake isn’t a problem. 6 random guys stuck on a boat together in the middle of a lake is.Report
I think “fishing” covers a whole lot of ground, depending on who you are. One solitary guy in a boat in the middle of the lake is one possibility, but there are others.
I suspect that if “fishing” weren’t banned, then the resort lakes would be jammed with campers, trailers and tents, and there would be a lot of face-to-face impromptu contact.Report
Mississippi’s Governor Tate (Tater Tot) Reeves is a Trump loyalist, and so has basically left the municipalities and counties to fend for themselves. The MDoH folks are doing a decent job reporting on testing, but with our proximity to New Orleans we really need a comprehensive state level response. Thankfully a lot of Mississippians are taking the stay home idea seriously but b!tching loudly as they do.Report