Non-Traditional Christmas Songs for Consideration

Christopher Bradley

Christopher is a lawyer from NEPA, aka, Pennsultucky, He is an avid baseball fan, audiophile, and dog owner. He spends the majority of his free time with his wife and daughters, reading, listening to music, watching baseball (except the Yankees) and writing.

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8 Responses

  1. DensityDuck says:

    Just can’t get past that coal-cracker upbringing, I guess.Report

  2. I currently have playing Bach’s Christmas Oratorio. But I’m guessing that isn’t what most people think of when the topic of Christmas songs comes up.Report

  3. Brandon Berg says:

    One of the most famous Japanese Christmas songs is Tatsuro Yamashita’s 1983 “Christmas Eve.” In Japan, Christmas is kind of like Valentine’s Day in December, so Christmas songs are mostly just winter-themed love songs. There’s not much to the lyric: It might snow tonight; he’s waiting for a girl, but she probably won’t come and he’ll spend Christmas Eve alone; trees are sparkling with silver. But wait! Plot twist!

    Actually the plot twist is that there’s no real resolution; it just ends with a repetition of the first verse about snowing and waiting. Legend has it that he’s waiting still. It’s kind of a bummer.

    But the night is both silent and holy, so that’s nice.

    Still, nice song, and he has a unique voice.

  4. Edd Fairman says:

    I had never seen or heard that Bob Dylan monstrosity and I, for one, sir, wish I still hadn’t.Report

  5. Mikkhi Kisht says:

    Christmas novelty tunes that always come to mind for me are ‘Christmas at Ground Zero’ and ‘Christmas All Over Again.’ As for Christmas music I’ll willingly listen to? It’s a very short list. Mannheim Steamroller & Trans Siberian Orchestra. A side effect of orchestra & band classes in school I’ve since noticed, I don’t Christmas tune that agreeably. :-/Report