Introducing Bank Shot
Because the world is ending, I figured that it made the most possible sense going on out a subject that I at least enjoy spending all of my waking life thinking about: basketball. To that end, the very kind editorial staff here at Ordinary Times has agreed to allow me my own little corner of the site. It is called Bank Shot. It is a sub-blog mostly about professional basketball.
Am I any good at writing about basketball? I don’t know! But, I’m going to find out by doing this in the only way that I know how: a lot. My goal is to post five times a week, plus on weekends if I’m feeling particularly inspired. If you’re interested, stop by, read a post, and carefully take your time when telling me that I don’t know what I’m talking about, that basketball was better when it was played at some other earlier time, that there is no way any single person can be this obsessed with Anthony Davis, or whatever else drives you to utter frustration.
If these past two paragraphs lacked sufficient inspiration for you to merely click on a link, how about this early review from Burt Likko:
The content is fine; it’s pretty deep basketball stuff which is not really my thing, but nevertheless has a broad audience.
Enticed yet? You might be (if you really, really, really like the NBA, and every other writer who tackles the subject hasn’t already posted something vastly superior).
In. Hard.Report
Congrats Sam! Look forward to reading. So baseball is covered by Richard, you have basketball who’s next with which sport?Report
Congrats Sam, it’s well deserved.Report
Dear Lord, they’ll let anyone in this place!Report
I’m hopeful to last a week!Report
As long as you keep posting on ex-Wildcats — Davis, Randle, Towns — you can stick around, I say.Report
I can’t help it. The league requires each team to have seven former Wildcats.Report
No rants about racist cops yet?Report
Great stuff!Report
This literally made me LOL.Report
I confess, I already want to submit guest posts.Report
The editor’s a real jerk, but you can always roll those dice.Report
Just wanted to chime in and say that I’m really happy to see this. You’re one my favorites around here, Sam, and I look forward to your future posts.Report