Apples and Oranges, Caucusing


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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24 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    Also, I stole a pen.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Damon says:

      The only shenanigans that I witnessed were “officials” wearing Bernie shirts/buttons/stickers. (These are the people who sat behind the table and checked your professed name against a name/address on a list.)

      I raised an eyebrow because I thought “ain’t that kinda against the rules?” but I only really cared because I thought I read it was against the rules once… not because I thought I was being swayed despite myself.Report

    • DensityDuck in reply to Damon says:

      Iiiiiiii’m…not sure his posts are entirely serious.

      I’m reading them as “Fear And Loathing At The 2015 Caucuses”.Report

  2. Morat20 says:

    Texas Democrats ditched their Caucus system after 2008, so we’re primaries now — which honestly I like better. If nothing else, more people have time to vote rather than caucus. Participating in 2008 in the caucus wasn’t something I regretted, and the people running it were hilarious. (And very clearly had been doing this for decades. You could tell these were people who had seen Texas turn red and had no intentions of letting that go unhindered).

    They actually did a rather good job of trying to defuse Hillary v. Obama tensions with good humor and reminders about the end goal (the White House) which wasn’t being decided that day.

    Democratic turnout is down all over for the primaries, and while a lot of people are trying to read tea leaves (rather futilely, given there’s no connection between primary and general election turnout) for November, I think the reason is obvious — it’s not a terribly exciting race on the Democratic side. (Well, if you’re a Sanders supporter it might be — but given the demographic he’s yanking the most support from, only in the “first time in love” sense. Which doesn’t pull along the rest of the party. Never has).Report

  3. Tod Kelly says:

    If you had asked me to guess what party you belonged to right now, “Democrat” would have been maybe the 30th I would have guessed. There are parties I could make up on the spot that don’t actually exist that I would have thought had a better chance of having you be a member.Report

  4. Burt Likko says:

    Primaries are typically anonymous — it’s you and your ballot in a booth screened off from anyone watching how you vote, or the privacy (or lack thereof, as you choose) of wherever you receive your absentee or vote-by-mail ballot.

    A caucus is public. You show your face, you show your support, and get counted out where everyone can see you standing in your herd of fellow-travelers. Maybe the person next to you is standing there for a different reason than you, and you can talk about why you’re both there. I’ve heard of caucuses where people expend some effort to seek to persuade others to walk over and join one or the other group. The point is, it’s not anonymous, it’s kind of public.

    In this year of strange and scary extremes out there in the political currents, I’m wondering if maybe a caucus has some advantages — having to publicly proclaim one’s allegiance might very well temper those strange and scary extremes. Having to confront which of your neighbors are taking which position, and wanting to be remembered by them as someone worthy of respect, could have a soporific effect upon the progress of a candidate who, for instance, publicly repudiates the Geneva Conventions but not the Ku Klux Klan.Report

  5. KatherineMW says:

    You’re a registered Democrat?

    I would never have guessed that.

    I kind of regret that I’ve never had the chance for a caucus-style experience; it seems interesting and invigorating. The NDP now conducts its leadership races via online poll (with ranked ballot).Report