
Mike Schilling

Mike has been a software engineer far longer than he would like to admit. He has strong opinions on baseball, software, science fiction, comedy, contract bridge, and European history, any of which he's willing to share with almost no prompting whatsoever.

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24 Responses

  1. Guy says:

    I believe you mean A, C, D, and G are nonzero.Report

  2. veronica d says:

    Wouldn’t it be funny if it spelled “something” rather than “anything,” ’cause, you know, Mike Schilling.Report

  3. veronica d says:

    This reminds me, I need to actually learn Prolog someday.Report

  4. Wyrmnax says:


    I got a system with plenty of equations on it. Now its just a time to substitute them all.

    Btw, “F” is obvious from the very first moment.Report

  5. Glyph says:

    God love you all, but the phrase ‘recreational math’ lands on my brain in roughly the same way as ‘salubrious torture’. It just doesn’t (wait for it) add up.Report

  6. Randy Harris says:

    Ol wbyyl uvtuynaqf va Trbetvn prqne nfu sybngf rireljurer qnexReport

  7. Sierra Nevada says:

    N rfgn frvf, O abguvat, P vf n unaqshyy, Q ahra, R fvqrjnlf vasvavgl, S vf yhpxl, T n fdhner, U vf pbzcnal, V vf n pebjq, naq W havgl.

    Vg jnf zhpu rnfvre bapr V ernyvmrq gung P unq gb or svir naq O mreb. Nsgre gung V fnj gung R jnf rira, S naq Q bqq, naq gung Q jnf bar zber guna R. Gura fnj N k Q ybbxrq yvxr vg unq gb or svsgl fbzrguvat juvpu znqr N naq Q rvgure fvk naq 9 be 8 naq 7. Nyy sryy vagb cynpr sebz gurer.

    Thanks for the puzzle, I lurves puzzles.Report

  8. Road Scholar says:

    Got it. Took about a half-hour. C and B were obvious from inspection. But then I had to start writing equations.Report