Friday Jukebox, James Bond Edition
This is the new James Bond song, “Skyfall,” by Adele, just released to the public today at 0:07, London time: Some of my favorite other James Bond theme music follows the jump:
This is the new James Bond song, “Skyfall,” by Adele, just released to the public today at 0:07, London time: Some of my favorite other James Bond theme music follows the jump:
I came across a great Tumblr the other day: A Song of Ice and The Wire. So I ask you – good idea or the...
Alan Jacobs is Proustblogging, and I can’t resist. In Search of Lost Time is about the power of anticipation at least as much as the power of memory, he writes: This is part of...
I’ve got an essay up this morning at The Atlantic about the ways Paul Ryan does — and doesn’t — show the enormous influence Barry Goldwater still holds over the GOP today.
A day after his unanimous decision—if not TKO—over President Obama in Wednesday’s first of three debates, Mitt Romney completely withdrew his “47 percent” riff of earlier this year in a Fox News Channel interview...