Daily Archive: August 4, 2010

First Reactions on Perry

Here are my hasty reactions to a decision I’ve only partly read. I’m distracted by personal matters tonight, but I’ll probably update as the evening goes on. One big loser in all this is...

I’m not Harriet Tubman either

I don’t think the pro-choicers and the pro-lifers are going to agree on this one. But I do think that Ta-Nehisi is either missing what I’m trying to say here, or he – and...

No, I am not Frederick Douglass

[updated] Okay. Perhaps I stirred the pot a bit too vigorously. In any case, let me clarify a few things. Ta-Nehisi Coates – whose work I admire greatly, too!* – has quite a lot...

Reputation and the Realistic Novel

Very belatedly indeed, I’d like to offer a rejoinder to Ross Douthat and Alan Jacob‘s explanation for the absence of good George Eliot-style realistic novels in our time. Jacobs in brief: I am inclined to think...

Bloomberg’s Tribalism

I hate to be the turd in the punch bowl, but Bloomberg’s latest proclamation on the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ would be a bit easier to take if he wasn’t such an avowed defender of...

Bloomberg’s Address

If you haven’t read or heard it yet, this really is a special, stirring bit of speechmaking from Mayor Bloomberg defending the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” that exemplifies the best of the American tradition. ...

Perry, Hayek, and Immanent Critique

I don’t have any inside gossip on Perry vs. Schwarzenegger, whose decision will be announced this afternoon. For that see bmaz, who calls it for the plaintiffs. As I’ve said in the past, I’m...

Suicide Mission

In what can only be described as a marriage straight outta Hell, our own E.D. Kain has accepted an offer to contribute to John Cole’s Balloon Juice under the official title of “sane conservative.” ...