So when…

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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4 Responses

  1. MarkThompson says:

    I don't know – the term "natural" is susceptible to a lot of different meanings in this context. If the FDA is going to officially define it in a given way, then anyone who produces a product that meets that definition is naturally (ahem) going to slap it on their product. What the authors of that article want is for "natural" in that context to mean specifically and only "naturally raised," ie, free range – and most people know to look for "free range" when they want "naturally raised." To me, when I hear "natural" in that context, my understanding is simply that the meat isn't filled with chemical preservatives. There's not any real reason to expect the term to take on only it's most narrow possible meaning, either in a free market or otherwise. Report

  2. Bronx347 says:

    I'd like to know how reliable the "organic" label is as well. Report

    • Not that reliable. But my feeling is that if you bother taking the effort to buy organics, it shouldn't take much more to do a bit of sourcing on who you're buying from. I wouldn't trust big-box organics, for instance, except insofar as I trust a given producer.

      Of course, I often buy organic foods (like heirloom tomatoes or whole-grain breads) because they taste better, which is an entirely different issue. Report