A Quick Note on A Rigged Game


Dave is a part-time blogger that writes about whatever suits him at the time.

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8 Responses

  1. Freddie says:

    No, I think EFCA is either/or proposition, and you are unlikely to get anything you want out of its implementation.

    Content yourself with the fact the EFCA will keep the tiny, beleagueredand functionally powerless on a national level American labor movement around, for the right to continue to use as an all-purpose target on which to blame our country’s ills. Union power has been vanishing in this country for decades, the number of unionized members has never been smaller since the advent of the American labor movement, and yet conservatives continue to blame them for all of our country’s various misfortunes. The smaller unions shrink, the more they are supposed to be to blame. It’s weird. But it’s a handy rhetorical device, and so I think conservatives would probably rather have some union presence around to act as a shibboleth and hate object, rather than ending unionism altogether.Report

  2. Freddie says:

    Never been smaller, that is, as a percentage of the American workforce.Report

  3. Crap. Now I’m going to have to put together the post I’ve been saving on this for a few weeks.Report

  4. Dave says:


    I figured that it may be an either/or proposition and just wanted your perspective.

    I do have a general understanding of what has taken place and am aware of the low private sector union membership (7%ish). That does not change my concerns about EFCA though or my views on organized labor as an interest group. That may be a topic deserving of its own thread though.Report

  5. It may well be a topic deserving of its own thread. It’s also a thread that you can expect me to start.Report

  6. Dave says:

    Wonderful Mark.

    Between one of our other discussions, a post I need to finish and a completely unpleasant real estate market that is not cooperating with me, I’m a bit occupied at the moment. 🙂Report

  7. Dan Miller says:

    Some people on the left believe it’s not as either-or as you and Freddie believe, Dave. See for an example this Washington Monthly article by T.A. Frank, which proposes a grand bargain in which card check is abandoned and instead we severely increase penalties for illegal union-busting, along with some other changes to organizing as it’s currently practiced.

    Speaking as a pro-labor liberal I don’t necessarily agree with him/her, but on a tactical level I think Frank makes a solid case, and the article is worth reading for people on both sides.Report

  8. Cascadian says:

    The best compromise win/win situation would be to deal with illegal immigration. If there’s unlimited supply, it will be very difficult for labor to leverage much at all. Tighter borders would restrict the supply, driving US wages (and thus the cost of labor) up. This would result in better wages for the blue collar and increased demand for automation and hence engineering and other white collar jobs. Canada does this very smartly.Report