Monthly Archive: February 2009

Focus, People, Focus!

Cornell law professor Michael Dorf has a great take on the hilarious NYU student “takeover,” and its utterly pathetic ending that actually makes an interesting point about activism in general. Noting the rather bizarre...

mea culpa, and explanations

An emailer wrote me last night, in regards to the Bloggingheads clip, to say that I “owe it Mickey Kaus to apologize”. I thought I did! In case it isn’t clear, though, let me...

Stress testing stressing me out…

Via Barry Ritholtz, I think I need to read David Reilly more.  I love his column on the possible trainwreck known as stress-testing for the banks: Maybe it should come as no surprise that...

quote of the day

I’ve found that those who defend Bernanke as having inherited Greenspan’s mess are most likely to have first heard Bernanke’s name on the day Bush nominated him. But he’s played an important role in...

away from Joe=towards success?

Reihan links approvingly to this piece  by Patrick Ruffini, as does James. It’s well-written, smart, as Ruffini’s work usually is. But I don’t know, man.

Overlearning Lessons

I’m a big fan of Scott’s post the other day on neo-conservatism, which I take to be a terrific defense of the original insights provided by neo-conservatism even as it seeks to distance itself...

Obama and The (Quasi?)Imperial Presidency

The always worth reading Charlie Savage had a really important piece in the NyTimes four days ago which in the midst of all the financial meltdown news slipped through the cracks. Savage writes: The...

Sad news

Very sad news out of the UK today: Ivan Cameron, the son of U.K. Conservative Party leader David Cameron, died at the age of six. “Ivan, who suffered from cerebral palsy and severe epilepsy,...

Around the Web on Ash Wednesday

Rod Dreher: Warm wishes to you all, and prayers for a blessed Lent. I don’t know about you, but I need Lent this year. On the most superficial level, my appetites got the best...

Brooks on Jindal

D. Brooks for me is hot/cold–when he’s on he’s on, when he’s off he’s off.  Here he is dead-on.  I’m sure the Limbaugh/Happy Meal Cons won’t love this, but they need to move from...

Derbyshire and the Happy Meal Conservatives

Much as their blind loyalty discredited the Right, perhaps the worst effect of Limbaugh et al. has been their draining away of political energy from what might have been a much more worthwhile project:...

Jindal: debt is bad when we say it is

I’m open to hearing a defense of Bobby Jindal from Matt Yglesias’s allegations. But I am having a hard time imagining what such a defense could mean. Bobby Jindal was not out there beating...

quote of the day

The only thing that is not settled, as far as I can tell, is how much damage we will do moving to the system. It will be a joy to behold, especially listening to...