Of Amtrak, AI, and Arguing About Trains on the Interwebs
Trains are wonderful modes of transportation. Trains also have to follow the laws of physics and realities of economics, politics, and public sentiment.
Trains are wonderful modes of transportation. Trains also have to follow the laws of physics and realities of economics, politics, and public sentiment.
It has been a bad year for the airlines. And that’s not the first time that I’ve written that in 2025
What I can tell you with certainty is that the crash does not fit the hot takes by partisans on either side.
The Interstate Highways are polka-dotted with large format vehicles like busses, motor homes (RV’s), dump-trucks, semi-trucks, etcetera
I’ve missed that sustained discourse and offer the following unsolicited thoughts on random things as junk brought back from the wasteland
Airline flying is statistically safer than the drive to the airport, but if things go sideways, it can happen quickly.
Despite the fire and deaths in Japan, commercial aviation is still extremely safe. That doesn’t mean that it is risk-free, however.
So it was that when I had to go to Dallas for a week of training recently that I decided to rent a Tesla and see how the other half lived.
It’s difficult to say where we go from here, but not taking off without a clearance is a pretty basic aviation skill.
Covid didn’t stop us, but a closed bridge will. The other kids on this side of the border are withdrawing from the school entirely for the semester.
There is a saying in the aviation industry that the Federal Aviation Regulations are written in blood. Many of our rules are based on behaviors or accidents that have killed people in the past.
Airshows have been an American tradition since we pioneered powered flight in 1903; the experience is peak Americana and says a great deal about the American cultural identity.
A ground stop is just what it sounds like. ATC holds aircraft, particularly flights on instrument flight plans, on the ground rather than letting them take off.
Remember that victory lap the Biden Administration took back in the fall for brokering a deal to avert a rail strike? Welp….
What we found as we were pondering all of this is that we didn’t especially like the overlapping midsized sedan/crossover SUV consumer space
The devil is in the details for something like this, though at baseline I prefer something like this to speeding cameras.
The first questions to ask of these startups “is this removing barriers or adding them to get to the stated goal?” Flying cars fail that test on every level.
It’s going to be a rough Monday on the Washington, DC area Metro as the troubled mass transit service is forced to pull half their cars offline for safety issues.
The Latest En Route podcast from OT Contributor Dennis Sanders is all about the Interstate Highway System with guest Rob Sanders
The Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax concept seems designed to alienate virtually every side of the political spectrum. So how would it work?