Weekend Plans Post: Ground-Penetrating Radar, Short Weekends, and Grape Juice
They put a wand in a very particular spot, at the very bottom of my ribcage, and then told me that I would feel a small “thump”.
They put a wand in a very particular spot, at the very bottom of my ribcage, and then told me that I would feel a small “thump”.
There’s a game night on Saturday and that will be nice. But mostly, it’ll be nice to not have that Sword of Damocles hanging over our heads.
Walking through the first of the Three Gates of Summer this weekend.
The quarantine was rough on the gaming group. It’s the first gaming group since… January of last year? February of last year?
Since this is going to be a big summer, this weekend will be spent doing the usual Safe At Home kinda stuff (since we still have to get to there from here).
This weekend is going to be spent buckling down, going outside periodically to sweep the accumulated snow off of the sidewalk and getting back inside and getting warm again
I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. The bad news involves fabric softener. The good news is that I have a new shirt that I really like.
I visited my friends and we ran a 5K. It took about an hour. Yeah, maybe it was more of a jog.And, lemme tell ya, if I could do it. You can do it.
We’re preparing to go to Disneyworld at the same time that the Coronavirus seems to be kicking into gear. Also, we met the housesitters.
Sometimes it takes a week to get your 40 hours in. Sometimes it takes less than that.
I’m going back and trying to figure out when I learned to cook.