Tagged: war on terror

The Obama Doctrine Reborn

No Driving Blind today. Instead, everyone should take some time to read and consider the President’s speech on foreign policy from earlier. Full remarks below,

Dignity, Empathy, and the Iraq War

So Digby’s reading these Iraq War mea culpas — and thank god for that because I tried before quickly determining I can’t stands no more: David Ignatius wrote his Iraq mea culpa today and...

A Peculiar Kind of Reasoning

I’ve been MIA recently, most due to some other projects I’ve been working on.  But I’ll have some deeper thoughts on the following later on…right after I’ve succeeded in picking my jaw back up...

Islam, Norway, and the backlash

Thoreau sums up essentially what I’ve been thinking the past couple of days. When the attacks first occurred, I realize I joined many conservative bloggers (as well as just a lot of people who...

Sovereign Innocence

by Kyle Matthews One of the most exhalted and ubiquitous unchallenged truths of our time – is the pedestal occupying place of civilian “innocents.” The honest men and women who go about their lives...

In which I agree with Andy McCarthy

More often than not, Andy McCarthy and I simply don’t see eye to eye. For instance, his whole-hearted support of the War on Terror, his refusal to call torture for what it is, and...

The Real Miscarriage of Justice

Below, Ned rightly derides Rep. Peter King for calling the verdict in the Ghailani trial a “total miscarriage of justice.”  Ned correctly notes that the miscarriage of justice here was not the verdict itself,...

perspective in illustration


I’ve been largely out of the loop for the last week, so there’s quite a bit to catch up on.  A quick word on the attempted terrorist attack on the airliner in Detroit–and then...

Formulating a Reliable Detainee Policy

Will asked me to comment on this op-ed by Jack Goldsmith and Benjamin Wittes pleading with Congress and the President to formulate clear rules regarding detention policy in the War on Terror. Although I...

Learning to Float in the War on Terror

Jamelle makes some persuasive points in this post on Afghanistan–arguing that the administration and its supporters have yet to make a solid case that the war is in the US interests.  As he says,...