Sunday Night Bar Fight: The Rove vs. Huckabee Test
I’ve been meaning to post this thought experiment for over a year now, and the threads of all our various Brendan Eich posts made me think now’s as good a time as any.
I’ve been meaning to post this thought experiment for over a year now, and the threads of all our various Brendan Eich posts made me think now’s as good a time as any.
The America-destroying consequences of Obamacare continue to play out in ways no one could have predicted. Now, you must choose…
Given the chance to play God, what commandments would you give to a primitive people looking to build a civilization?
What single book best describes us?
Dunno if it got the most votes because it was the best song, or because it was the first nominated, or because there wasn’t a whole lot of agreement with any other song. Regardless,...
Good news, everyone! In an attempt to reverse trends in flagging record sales, the music industry has agreed to allow you to create an all-star superband to be The Next Big Thing. All you...
Bad news, everyone! A meteor with devastating levels of radiation has collided with the Earth! Fortunately, most everyone you know has access to a room in special, radiation-proof apartment buildings the government has hastily...
Bad news, everyone! NASA has just reported that a giant meteor is on a collision course with Earth. NASA has also confirmed there is no way to stop the moon-sized rock. Its arrival brings...
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on Higher Education in the 21st Century. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the...
Good news, everyone! Finally admitting to ineptitude and corruption, each of the two major political parties is throwing in the towel and admitting that as a general rule they’re really terrible at picking candidates. ...
If you haven’t turned on the news today, you really should. It’s just catastrophic news alert after catastrophic news alert. Why, in the past hour we just learned that the world’s most evil scientists...
Bad news, everyone! It turns out that due to its massive war debt at the end of its revolutionary war, the United States was unable to pay to own outright all future amendments to...
What follows are the results of this week’s Thursday Night Bar Fight, in which we used a Survivor-like setup to try to create a group-sourced 10-album playlist for a two month road trip. There’s...
As many of you know, this week’s Thursday Night Bar Fight was a Survivor-like game where readers had to hash out which three books should be taken to a deserted island to build the...
Note: Thursday Night Bar Fights is a new FP regular feature. In a nutshell, each Thursday I’ll offer up a topic for folks to chime in and argue about – but each topic will be...
Note: Thursday Night Bar Fights is a new FP regular feature. In a nutshell, each Thursday I’ll offer up a topic for folks to chime in and argue about – but each topic will be...
Note: Thursday Night Bar Fights is a FP feature I’ve been meaning to start for a while now, after a great suggestion by DRS. In a nutshell, each Thursday I’ll offer up a topic for folks...