Voting on a Prayer
Dave Weigel boldly travels into a realm I’d dare not go — the minds of those newspaper editorial boards that endorsed Obama in 2008 but went for Romney in 2012. It’s a land of magical...
Dave Weigel boldly travels into a realm I’d dare not go — the minds of those newspaper editorial boards that endorsed Obama in 2008 but went for Romney in 2012. It’s a land of magical...
Political ads are like soft drink ads. They don’t have anything to do with facts or the inherent quality of a product,[1] they’re really just designed to make you feel an emotion that probably isn’t deserved...
Looking at the polling data earlier this week, I noticed my longtime worst nightmare for the 2012 presidential election was becoming a distinct possibility — a cardiac-arrest-close Obama defeat due to his losing white...
The night of October 16 was a good one for President Obama. After more than a month of sounding, looking, and acting like a tired man who resents being made to undergo the electioneering...
Over at Blinded Trials the esteemed Dr. Saunders has a post up about how W. Mitt Romney, much like John McCain before him, has managed to alienate potential voters with his mendacity and pandering to the...
Daniel Hatcher, a professor of law at the University of Baltimore, recently authored an op-ed for the Boston Globe on how Romney, as governor, was a deft practitioner of what’s been called “Mediscam.” The practice,...
Romney made news today, at least in the left-of-center blogosphere, with the claim that, “[N]o one in this country dies because they don’t have health insurance” (an assertion I’d argue the former Governor of...
I maintain that Barack Obama was terrible during last week’s debate and that many liberals — goaded on by a political media desperate for a new storyline and thrilled with the prospect that November’s election...
[youtube] Perhaps the most commonly asked question in the wake of last night’s debate is, What the hell was wrong with Barack Obama? Some ideas are more plausible than others. My sense is...
First, the obvious: the unquestionable winner of the night was Romney. If by chance you didn’t watch the debate and you’re wondering, did Romney win or did the President lose, the answer is “yes.”...
The first thing that should be said before any estimation of tonight’s debate is that, historically, presidential debates are not the “game-changers” all of the hype would lead one to believe. That doesn’t mean...
by Koz Reading some of the recent posts, some of Tod’s and one of Burt’s in particular, the disconnect between the League and the Romney campaign is frustrating. I wasn’t happy about the 47%...
Have you seen today’s David Brooks op-ed yet? It’s a little weird; but, then again, he’s been a little weird ever since the campaign began in earnest (and, not incidentally, Romney began losing). In...
Over the next 72 hours, much of the news media and political blogosphere is going to be devoted to tomorrow night’s Big Debate, as Romney and Obama finally go mano y mano. The coverage...
So, it’s not as funny as the Hunger Games Bad Lip Reading, but it’s exactly the sort of thing I need this election season. Fight nonsense with nonsense. The singing part gets me every time…. In...
“Who would you rather kiss, Paul Ryan or Justin Bieber?” I turn to see a group of very young women standing directly behind me, each giddy with excitement. It is 6:30 on a Friday...
As Team Romney continues the process of self-immolation, various journalists have discerned a pattern in conservative reactions to his collapse. Echoing Richard Cohen’s column from several days ago, Fareed Zakaria notices that Romney is...
She says it better than I could. Though hers is a NSFW version. “No photo. No voto.” Then again, at this point Romney is doing a wonderful job losing this election all on his...
Hands down, the best election blog post on the entire internet this year is Mark Thompson’s What Not Getting It Looks Like. (And no, this is not just my opinion – it’s a fact....
Because I have had nothing to say about politics lately, and because we have been accused of being too white and too male, I give you this. I do hope Romney gets a chance...