Hemingway Home: Past, Prose, & Polydactyly in Paradise
A visit to the Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West is a perfect encapsulation of the uniquity of the southernmost point in the United States.
A visit to the Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West is a perfect encapsulation of the uniquity of the southernmost point in the United States.
A Florida Retirement Community. How stereotypical, I thought. How cliché, I thought. But, maybe I want that, too, I thought.
Leave it to a Florida concert promoter to find an end around to a Ron DeSantis executive order requiring Covid-19 vaccination proof
What a tangled web we weave when cruise ships want to come in from the sea, and lobby the State of Florida to override the Key West locals to do so.
For the second time, and it would seem final one, the Republican National Convention has been cancelled. At least, the in-person part of it, and by none other than President Trump himself.
There was a municipal election that I was in charge of last Tuesday, and here is how my day went:
An absolute victory for those who favor an unrestrained right to bear arms, devastating blow to those who cry for gun control, right? Not completely, no.
The Florida raids are becoming a textbook cases for how police and prosecutors overstate the problem of sex trafficking in this country. But even if further investigation does show that some of these women were being coerced, that only makes the case for decriminalization even stronger.
Tuesday, 9 January 2019, is the first day that some felons in Florida who previously had their voting rights removed can register to vote again under the effects of Amendment 4. The question is how exactly is that going to work?
It would seem not just Drejka, but the scope and legal definition of Stand Your Ground law itself, will be on trial this time, at least in the court of public opinion.
With the approval and the encouragement of Florida’s government, Michael Drejka shot and killed Michael McGlockton.
Burt Likko was going to mercilessly lampoon a prestige law firm for three of its partners writing a deeply offensive and poorly-reasoned memo. But he got distracted by a shiny object along the way.
You’ve gotta fight for your right to… a speedy trial.
This is a pretty minor story for anyone outside of Florida’s 19th district, Congress-critter-wise. But I want to briefly touch on it because it underscores one of the inherent problems I’ve been talking about...
Santa Ana: 0. Jacksonville: 1. Only that’s a trivia question, not a soccer score.