My Top 12 Films Of 2024: One Critic’s Best Of The Year List
I watched over 250 films this year, so if one of your favorites didn’t make the cut, don’t take it personally.
I watched over 250 films this year, so if one of your favorites didn’t make the cut, don’t take it personally.
Top 25 Films Of 2023: I’m singling out 25 narrative films out of 260-plus that I saw this year – not every good to great film can make it in
We’re talking about top 25 films of 2022 that stood out from a field of nearly three hundred that I watched
“Every house should have a marmalade day”, and, well, I believe every film collection should have the Paddington films in its library.
To make a long story short, I am a nerd. But I am a nerd of the people. I am not a snob. Snobs fill the hobbies I love to the brim.
As a scientist, I know everything in the Star Wars universe is ridiculous, impractical and overblown. And I don’t care one bit.