Marxist – Leninist – Trumpist?
The New Right is looking a hell of a lot like the Old Left – in the worst possible ways.
The New Right is looking a hell of a lot like the Old Left – in the worst possible ways.
Donald Trump has a receipt that the party was signed over to him, and he isn’t going away quietly at the gentle shooing of management, pundits, the party, or anyone else.
Let’s chest kick Donald Trump off the nearest cliff in such a way that his cult fan base doesn’t egg him on to do a stupid third party bid or something equally infantile and destructive.
While her death is mainly being used to distract from the horror of what went on that day, I am sympathetic to Ashli Babbitt and her family.
That this has come out only months before Kevin McCarthy hopes to become Speaker of the House is pure justice.
Mo Brooks wants credit, I guess, for doing the bare minimum necessary to not be a traitorous weasel.
With news that California Congressman Devin Nunes is now “retiring” one has to wonder what Devin Nunes Cow will now do for a living
Not quite a year into the Biden Presidency, and pundits and commentators are trying to hang unliftable millstones around Joe Biden’s neck
The Trump vendetta ride against anyone and everyone he perceives to have slighted him continues apace, now featuring Brett Kavanaugh
And so, we find ourselves in the final stage of the con. Trump’s glorious promises have been revealed for the empty promises they always were.
Republicans current situation is too easy. Trump has cultivated a base that will remain competitive in every election he participates in.
From our friend and long-time Ordinary Times contributor Dennis Sanders, his latest Spheres of Influence podcast episodes
“Manhattan’s district attorney has convened the grand jury that is expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump”
The Department of Justice is appealing a judge’s ruling regarding a then-Attorney General Barr memo from March of 2019
If Kevin McCarthy looks shook, it is because he knows better than any of us this simple truth: There ain’t no such thing as halfway Trump.
In a move sure to play right into the “Big Tech” debate, former President Donald Trump will remain blocked from Facebook
The key to the Trump Trolley Problem is never getting on the Trump Train in the first place. He will make you regret it eventually.
Trump and his CPAC speech will allow a return to the headlines. Just step back for a moment and let’s ask the questions that matter
Now acquitted, again, will Trump run in 2024? A look at Presidential candidates who ran for office again despite losing a previous election
The second impeachment trial of Donald Trump ended Saturday with his acquittal. We all knew how it would end, but it was still shocking.