Trump-Biden II Will Bulldoze the Doubters

Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel is an astronomer living in Pennsylvania. He blogs at his own site, and has written a novel.

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7 Responses

  1. Philip H says:

    Trump won on a plurality the first time. As you note so have many of the nominees he supported. Large field primaries mean he has a better chance.

    As I have said numerous times here, Trump the actual only thing likely to keep him off a ballot next year is a state and/or federal conviction. Even if he’s free on appeals, the “law and order” GOP will have a hard time convincing their deep pocket donors to fund a felon’s campaign.

    Of greater worry however, is the fact that the Trumpian GOP has fully embraced authoritarianism and fascism as its guiding principles. So IF trump is no longer running, anyone stepping up to replace him is likely to be just as ruthless, shameless, and harmful to the long run success of multi-cultural small “L” liberal democracy as Trump would be.Report

    • Patrick in reply to Philip H says:

      “Even if he’s free on appeals, the “law and order” GOP will have a hard time convincing their deep pocket donors to fund a felon’s campaign.”

      Problem is the GOP was having a hard time convincing their donors to back him in 2016 but once he cleared hurdle #3 they all came around.

      He doesn’t need donors to get to hurdle #3 this time.Report

  2. Patrick says:

    “In 2020, the media tried to hype Bernie, Warren, Harris, Klobuchar, Buttigieg and even, God help us, Michael Bloomberg at one point. But, in the end, the field was so incredibly weak, the Democrats decided, correctly, that their least bad option was a 78-year-old Senator with a history of verbal gaffes.”

    I admit I’m somewhat morbidly fascinated as to how you rate Democratic candidates for President, because four of those folks are well within the experience parameters of Presidential candidates, so “incredibly weak” seems to come more from a place of “I don’t like any of these folks’ ideology”, which… yeah, so?Report

    • North in reply to Patrick says:

      Yep, Klobuchar and Buttigieg, for instance, fared poorly primarily because another moderate with much better cachet with the Democratic Party’s actual voters was already in the race. If you magic erase Joe Biden then all that support likely would have ended up with the other “unimpressive” moderates who ran or even one of the other moderates who Bidens’ presence killed the candidacy of earlier.Report

      • CJColucci in reply to North says:

        As I said at the time, the other moderates were running, essentially, on moderation as such rather than anything special about themselves. In that respect, it was like most beer advertising, which sells the concept of beer as such — beer is good — rather than the virtues of the particular brand. Which means, practically, that most beer advertising actually helps the market leader, Budweiser. All the “moderation as such” candidates were, unwittingly, making the case for the moderate market leader, Joe Biden.Report

    • Brent F in reply to Patrick says:

      The main problem with 2020 analysis is people with pundit brain consistently massively underestimate Biden’s political skills.Report