Tagged: Christmas
The Christmas Baby (On Thanksgiving)
My most eventful Thanksgiving by far happened two years ago, when what was supposed to be our Christmas-time baby showed up Thanksgiving Day instead.
Tales of Yuletides Past
Late December, especially the 25th day of that final month, has been an important time throughout history, especially in the Western world.
So This Is Christmas
Christmas is a time when we strive to be a better version of ourselves, no matter what our religious beliefs.
OT Advent Calendar (& Hannukah!) Day 2: Straddling The Line Between Wassail and Hymn
Your OT advent calendar will be musical. Todays songs are “God Bless the Master” and the English and Yiddish song “Hannukah, Oh Hannukah.”
OT Advent Calendar (& Hanukah!) Day 1
Todays OT Advent Calendar songs are “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” and “Moaz Tzur,” also known as “Rock of Ages.”
Tradition & Memory: A Child’s Christmas In Wales
A Child’s Christmas in Wales is itself, and in being itself it speaks to variegated experiences beyond its author’s own knowledge.
Christmas Spin: Keith Richards, Chuck Berry, and Run Rudolph Run
Ho Ho Ho! A special Christmas spin of a song popularized by the father of rock-n-roll and covered by many many others.
Wednesday Writs: Christmas Vacation Edition
Christmas on trial in Ganulin v. US is Case of the Week for a reason, and the reason is the opening to Judge Delott’s opinion.