Tagged: Antonin Scalia
Big Monday, 2015
The Supreme Court adjourns for the Term with decisions about redistricting, air pollution, and executions. Burt Likko summarizes each of them, and offers a sad observation about judicial comity losing one of its most prominent sentinels,
The Highest Profile Legal Writing Clinic Ever
The legal writing in Obergefell v. Hodges is both a model and a caution for future writers, especially those who, like lawyers, would write to persuade.
Delivering Due Deference
Chief Justice Roberts was nearly silent during oral argument, and then wrote the 6-3 majority opinion in today’s Obamacare case. Burt Likko replies to Justice Antonin Scalia’s accusations of through-the-looking-glass judicial activism.
Why Lawyers Need To Conduct All Job Interviews For Everyone From Now On Forever
If an employer sees that a job applicant seems to have some sort of religious need for accommodation contrary to the employer’s policies, isn’t the safer thing for the interviewer to do to avoid dealing with the applicant’s religion at all? Antonin Scalia answers that question and Burt Likko breaks down today’s moderately surprising 8-1 decision.
The Fish and the Manual
A revealing remark from a prosecutor arguing before the Supreme Court today, complete with Burt Likko’s translation of an exchange in plain English.
First Monday 2014
Same cast, brand new season! Burt Likko offers a look at some of the high points of the Supreme Court’s docket for the 2014-2015 Term.
2013-2014 Term Recap (Save Two)
It’s the close of the term, and here’s a recap of the major cases from SCOTUS this year. Some surprising results. Some, not so much. Alsotoo: we’re waiting until Monday for the Hobby Lobby and Harris decisions.
A Switch In Time
Nearly every social conservative who called for the impeachment of Justice Anthony Kennedy after his opinion in Lawrence v. Texas owes the man an apology. Burt Likko explains why in a longish analysis of Monday’s decision in Town of Greece v. Galloway.
Linky Friday #57
Burt Likko fills in for Will Truman for this week’s aggregation of dozens of links to themed web randomness!
Celebrating The Judiciary
In which Burt Likko envies Canada for its annual commemoration of courts expanding individual rights.
Oyez, Oyez
It’s the first Monday in October. Burt Likko offers a preview of the high points of the Supreme Court’s docket, and some other interesting notes.
For The Cold Case Files
Does the Fourth Amendment allow law enforcement to gather an arrestee’s genetic sequence and compare it with a large FBI database of genetic material gathered from old, unsolved crimes? [Continued at NaPP]
Antonin Scalia is either a fool or a liar
Scalia: “I take no position on whether it’s harmful or not, but it’s certainly true there is no answer to that scientific question…” — Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) March 26, 2013 This is why...
Please, For The Love Of God, Stop
Here at The League, we promote the sort of reasonable discourse that forces us to give our ideological opponents a fair hearing. This rigor demands our consideration, lest we unfairly dismiss the legitimate claims...