The Bridge Naomi Judd Built
Naomi Judd has passed. I mourn the death of a woman who embodied hope, feminism and zero f’s given long before it was fashionable.
Naomi Judd has passed. I mourn the death of a woman who embodied hope, feminism and zero f’s given long before it was fashionable.
Dire Straits is one of those bands that put out well-written and well-played rock music for over a decade.
The Rhythm changes is just one contrafact that gave us our treasure trove of pop and jazz musical magic.
To see Pink Floyd come together today to raise awareness of the tragedy unfolding in the Ukraine would make my dad happy.
Successful musicians, athletes, politicians, big business; they all figured how to beat taxes while asking us to donate our time and money for causes they chose to support
I blow hot and cold on whether rock and roll has been, on balance, a force for good or bad. It’s powerful; there’s no denying that.
Warren Ellis’s new book “Nina Simone’s Gum” is everyone he encountered in his mad quest to save a piece of chewing gum that the legendary singer had left behind on her piano
Looking back into the history of rock and roll you can see how bands dealt with the loss of one of the group.
Calling the 90s the Grunge Era does a massive disservice to the generation’s wide range of quality and influential minds that really set the tone.
Back then I was not a fan of the hair bands and was a straight up classic rock guy. To me they were just too polished, to predictable.
I have always been intrigued by movie and tv soundtracks. When the right song is paired to a scene it can elevate it to something unforgettable.
Road songs. We all have them. Every genre of music has them. So dear reader, Here’s a small list for your consideration
That feeling I have deep down inside that Paul sings about? That feeling manifests itself in different ways when I really contemplate it.
Talisk isn’t just your usual neighborhood acoustic Scottish folk trio, all jigs and reels and hornpipes, no
This is not a review of The Beatles: Get Back, This is more of an observation that I thought I knew that band. I misunderstood the dynamics.
Seriously, if you never listened to either of Meat Loaf’s Bat Out Of Hells you really should.
The Meat Loaf/Steinman madcap musical universe of sex, and drums, and way over-the-top rock and roll comes to an end
Today’s theme, our last, is Counting Songs. Today I offer two counting songs. Let’s begin with the less annoying, shall we?
St. Stephen’s Day is celebrated on December 26th. Or the 27th. Or January 9th. Look, it depends on the variety of Christianity one practices, okay?
Merry Christmas, all! For those who celebrate, I hope today is filled with joy, health, love and peace. For those who do not, I hope today brings you blessings!