Category: Weekend
Weekend Plans Post: They Have Stopped Making My Preferred Detergent
In which Jaybird rants about progress.
Weekend Plans Post: Crossing the Finish Line
Holy cow. We might have actually finished up a bunch of stuff. (Knock wood.)
Weekend Plans Post: The Joys of Being a Homeowner
I keep being surprised by 20 year items lasting only 20 years or so.
Weekend Plans Post: Almost time to Winterize. Almost.
We had the talk about the AC.
Just the talk, though.
Weekend Plans Post: On Giving Dating Advice
I had to take a Lyft the other day. The driver asked me “How do you find a good woman?”
Weekend Plans Post: Timey Wimey
Man, a long weekend just wrecks all kinds of being able to keep track of stuff.
Weekend Plans Post: Learning to Tell Them Apart
You know how your grandparents went through 2-3 names before getting to yours? It’s kinda like that, sometimes.
Weekend Plans Post: In the House of Charles Entertainment Cheese
I went back to Chuck E. Cheese’s for the first time since Reagan was president.
Weekend Plans Post: Batchin’ It Again
Maribou is out of town which means that it’s just me and the boys.
Weekend Plans Post: Before Your Bosses Come Back
My bosses have been out of town for two weeks. Monday, they return.