Saturday Morning Gaming: Desert Island Games
So let’s say that you’re stuck on a desert island and you can only bring three games…
So let’s say that you’re stuck on a desert island and you can only bring three games…
I no longer think that my buddy was suffering from recency bias when he was telling me that Horizon: Forbidden West is better than the first one
I’ve recently started Horizon: Forbidden West and, well, there’s an indirect threat. You have to save the world from that now.”
Remember Peggle? Remember missing it? I’ve got some good news. There is a Peggle-like genre!
It took Elden Ring to teach me “Yeah, you can walk away. Come back later.”And having done that, I’ve found that Horizon: Zero Dawn is a really good game!
A stripped down version of the assembly line game. Oh, and it’s free this week.
From the Creators of War for the Overworld! From the guys who actually made a decent Battletech Game!
Checking in on our three players from last week.
Dead Space is a game set up in chapter form. Each chapter could well be named “NOW WHAT?”
In the Dead Space remake, Isaac is no longer a silent protagonist.
I don’t see this as an improvement, really.
I played my first game of three-person chess and have thoughts about it.
I watched one of Yahtzee’s Extra Punctuations and I have some thoughts.
Becoming a Medieval Master in a game made by Obsidian.
I wouldn’t say that I got *GUD*, but I did notice a few things recently.
I recommend that everyone sit down and play a game of tic-tac-toe with a little kid. It’ll teach you stuff about modern games.