Category: Food

Ice maker

Ice! Ice, Baby!

I drank my room temp water and seethed. And then I had a thought: Is there such thing as a countertop ice maker? Oh, there sure is


Spring Minestrone

Is minestrone pronounced minestrone-eh as if a Canadian was offering it to you, minestrone-ee as if there were no generous Canadians aboot?

Not French Onion Dip

Not French Onion Dip

We fast track that kind of thing, and for good reason. French onion dip is delicious. This onion dip is preferable.


Chili with Szechuan Pepper

All of this is true. I don’t live in Austin. I don’t live in San Antonio, Houston, El Paso, or Amarillo. I don’t even live in Texas. In fact, I hate the Dallas Cowboys...

cream of mushroom

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Now some of you will no doubt already snarled your noses because it is mushroom soup.  Others will be “why make it I can get it in a can already.”  That canned stuff can...

Pork Chops alla Milanese

Pork Chops alla Milanese

The Italians have cotoletta alla Milanese and the Austrians have Wiener schnitzel. So let’s make Pork Chops alla Milanese


The Haller Pizza

This combination is known as The Haller Pizza at my house. We make it at least once a month.

Chicken a la phesant

Chicken á la Peasant

Chicken á la Peasant is my variation of Chicken a la king. This is cut down for those of us who actually work and we toss the puff pastry shell because we don’t have time for it.

pizza dough

Pizza Dough: The Descent of Man

There was a time when old, wizened women kneading pizza dough could smell changes in humidity and adjust accordingly. My recipe is ripped from the internet.


Nightshade Free Chili

Chili closer to the beef and beans you would have found on a cattle drive as it was highly unlikely you’d have had tomatoes in the chuck wagon