Throughput: The Year in Science
We are in a golden age of science. The vast majority of scientists who have ever lived are alive and working today. Here’s hoping they kick 2022’s butt as hard as they kicked 2021’s.
We are in a golden age of science. The vast majority of scientists who have ever lived are alive and working today. Here’s hoping they kick 2022’s butt as hard as they kicked 2021’s.
This morning, JWST finally got its moment to shine. The spacecraft had a successful launch and deployment. It is now drawing its own power from the solar panels.
Omicron will go through the population very fast. By the end of February, everyone will either be vaccinated or have had omicron.
In today’s video throughput, I review one of the most influential movies in science fiction: the 1956 classic Forbidden Planet.
One of the point I made in my recent Dune video was that the fervid imaginations of sci-fi visionaries like Herbert seem to only scratch the surface of what’s out there. The more information we get, the wilder the planets get
The TL;DR version on Omicron is: we don’t know yet and anyone making definitive claims should be viewed with suspicion. The long version is…
There have not, in fact, been more COVID-19 deaths under Joe Biden than under Donald Trump. Eventually, we will pass that grim milestone
This year has been a veritable feast of turkeys. A games of clowns. A clash of klutzes. A storm of stupid. A dance with dunces.
I take off my critic hat and put on my scientist hat to see how the science of Dune holds up. And…it’s not too bad.
The case for dark matter’s existence has grown stronger with each passing year. But we have yet to detect one single particle.
This week, I talk about the mystery of Astronomy and Fast Radio Bursts
I’ve seen great Braves teams that died in the first round. And I’ve now seen a Howl’s Moving Castle of a team crush their way to glory
For an outfit like the Lincoln Project to pull a stunt like this, evoking the memories of that day for a political prank, is appalling
The intricacies of tensor calculus equations for General Relativity. If you check out equation, you’ll find…no, wait…don’t go away! This is cool.
I am in an odd and lonely place on Anthony Fauci. I am not in Camp Saint Fauci, but neither am I in Camp Adolph Fauci
Now the film is here. And as someone who has been waiting for this a long time, I can say … Dune delivers.
Rather than subjecting you to my semi-coherent inaudible ramblings, here’s a substitute teacher: Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell on her discovery of Pulsars
I understand those who blame Colin Powell for mistakes/misdeeds. But when you consider the man’s entire life, we were lucky to have him.
People didn’t think Columbus was nuts because the Earth was flat. They thought he was nuts because … well, Columbus *was* nuts.
I take on the classic Doctor Who episode “The Twin Dilemma” which gives me a chance to talk about orbits, Kepler, Lagrange points and space eggs.